Pumpkin Days Day 1 Name:___________________________Math Hr:_______ Science Hr.:_______ Pumpkin # __________ Type of pumpkin: ___________ Directions: 1.Measure the height (in). __________ 2.Using the string, measure the circumference (in). ___________ 3.Measure the weight of the pumpkin (lbs). ___________ 4.Based on the size of your pumpkin, make a prediction of the number of seeds in your pumpkin. ____________ 5.Cut and Gut your pumpkin. SAVE YOUR SEEDS!!!!! 6.Count and record the number of seeds. 7.Weigh the gutted pumpkin (lbs). _______________ 8.Using the weight of the full pumpkin minus the gutted pumpkin, what is the weight of the seeds and guts. _______________ Think about the types of data we collected. Create a question that could be answered with the data. Write a testable hypothesis to answer the question: (If, then.)
Pumpkin Days Day 1 Name:___________________________Math Hr:_______ Science Hr.:_______ Pumpkin # __________ Type of pumpkin: ___________ Directions: 1.Measure the height (in). __________ 2.Using the string, measure the circumference (in). ___________ 3.Measure the weight of the pumpkin (lbs). ___________ 4.Based on the size of your pumpkin, make a prediction of the number of seeds in your pumpkin. ____________ 5.Cut and Gut your pumpkin. SAVE YOUR SEEDS!!!!! 6.Count and record the number of seeds. 7.Weigh the gutted pumpkin (lbs). _______________ 8.Using the weight of the full pumpkin minus the gutted pumpkin, what is the weight of the seeds and guts. _______________ Think about the types of data we collected. Create a question that could be answered with the data. Write a testable hypothesis to answer the question: (If, then.)
Pumpkin Days Day 2 Name:___________________________Math Hr:_______ Science Hr.:_______ 1 st Pumpkin #:________ 1.Find the mean (average) number of pumpkin seeds from the data. ___________ 2.Write the class’s question that can be answered from the data. 3.Write a hypothesis to answer the data. 4.In this question, what is the: independent variable? ____________________ dependent variable? _____________________ constants? _____________________________________________________________ 5.Using graph paper supplied, graph the data that would answer the class’s question. 6.Write a conclusion using specific data and stating whether the data supports or does not support your hypothesis. Bonus Question: If we set the class’s pumpkins one on top of another, how many yards tall would the stack be?
Pumpkin Days Day 2 Name:___________________________Math Hr:_______ Science Hr.:_______ 2 nd Pumpkin #:________ 1.Find the mean (average) number of pumpkin seeds from the data. ___________ 2.Write the class’s question that can be answered from the data. 3.Write a hypothesis to answer the data. 4.In this question, what is the: independent variable? ____________________ dependent variable? _____________________ constants? _____________________________________________________________ 5.Using graph paper supplied, graph the data that would answer the class’s question. 6.Write a conclusion using specific data and stating whether the data supports or does not support your hypothesis. Bonus Question: If we set the class’s pumpkins one on top of another, how many yards tall would the stack be?