NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) CERES Climate Analysis Research System (CARS) Delta Critical Design Review (dCDR) Aug 26, 2008 NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD,


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Presentation transcript:

NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) CERES Climate Analysis Research System (CARS) Delta Critical Design Review (dCDR) Aug 26, 2008 NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, Building 8 Auditorim

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 2 Logistics Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time WebEx ( –Meeting number: –Meeting password: fun4sds! –Only One Screen will be on WebEx Dial-In – –Pass code

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 3 Introduction

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 4 Purpose of Delta Review To assess the adequacy of the LaRC ASDC, SDS Land PEATE, and SD3E, requirements and designs to meet the additional requirements to generate, store, and distribute climate quality data products (i.e., SDR and EDR) for CERES Instrument.

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 5 Agenda Coffee Social Introduction / R. Schweiss SD3E / Evelyn Ho Land PEATE / Ed Masuoka CERES Climate Analysis Research System (CARS) / Erika Geier Launch CERES Climate Analysis Research System (CARS) (Continued) / Erika Geier SDS System Testing / Vic Buczkowski / SDS Concluding Remarks / R. Schweiss Meeting Concluded 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5:00 PM

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 6 Review Panel Membership 1.Jim Gleason, ChairNASA NPP Science Team 2.Christina Hsu NPP ST 3.Kelly JeleticNPP Project Office (NASA) 4.Pam RinslandNASA/LaRC 5.John KustererNASA/LaRC 6.Don GarberNASA/LaRC 7.Robert SchweissSDS Project Manager (NASA) 8.TBDNASA/HQ

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 7 Welcome & Logistics Bring Phone Bridge Up Restrooms Coffee the back (Lunch on your own) Fire Exits Wi-Fi Guest-CNE Access Please mute cell phones Speak loudly for folks on phone Presenters please use wireless mic

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 8 Requests for Action (RFA) RFAs must be written up or ed to R. Schweiss: All RFAs due today at the meeting. –State your questions clearly –Review Panel will disposition RFAs

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 9 Goals of Meeting Meeting Goals –Generate CCRs for Level 3 requirements updates. –Walk away of end 2 end data flow concept. –Understand who is doing what, when, and where. –Identify any open issues and associated work off plans.

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 10 NPP Space Segment Space Segment NESDIS Central AFWA Central NPP System Architecture GPS WSC LEO & A Backup T&C TDRSS Launch Support Segment Launch Support Segment Direct Broadcast User Climate User Community I/F Data Proc Segment I/F Data Proc Segment Infra Ingest Process Data Del Infra Ingest DQM Process Data Del NPP Mission Data Command and Telemetry Key: Archive & Dist Segment Ingest Archive Interchange Archiver Robotic Storage Datastore Inventory Command, Cntrl & Comm Segment Command, Cntrl & Comm Segment GSE - Svalbard Primary T&C NPP SMD Mission Mgmt Center - Suitland Flight Operations Team Enterprise Management Mission Management Satellite Operations Data Monitoring & Recovery Data Handling Node Data Routing & Retrieval MSO - 10 Science Data Segment Science Data Segment SD3E Land PEATE Ocean PEATE Ozone PEATE Atmos PEATE NICSE Sounder PEATE I&TSE Data Mgt

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 11 NPP Mission Objectives & Requirements (1 of 2) NPP is a joint partnership between NASA & NPOESS Integrated Program Office (IPO) initiated in Partnership provides both organizations with considerable cost savings while achieving their key program objectives: –Bridge Mission: Provide NASA with continuation of a group of global change observations initiated by EOS TERRA, AQUA, and Aura missions. –NPOESS Risk Reduction: Provide NPOESS operational community with pre-operational risk reduction demo & validation for selected NPOESS instruments, algorithms, & ground processing. NPP programmatic requirements established by –NASA Mission Level 1 Requirements document and science performance by –NPOESS Integrated Operational Requirements Document (IORD). –Final Implementation Agreement (FIA)

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 12 NPP Mission Objectives & Requirements (2 of 2) Key Level 1 requirements include: –5 year mission lifetime with accommodation of ATMS, CrIS, OMPS, & VIIRS instruments. –Polar sun-synchronous orbit (824km, 20km ground track repeat, 16 day cycle, and ascending equatorial crossing time of 10:30 AM +/- 10 minutes. –Science Data Segment shall be a research tool (with no operational requirements) used to test the usefulness of NPP EDRs for accomplishing climate research. –Delta II Launch Vehicle with a September 30, 2009 Launch Readiness Date. Revised Level 1 requirements include: – In developing the SDS, the Project shall assume that EDRs produced by the IDPS are climate quality. – The SDS shall have the capability to test the assumption in order to contribute to improving the quality of future EDRs. – The SDS shall provide suggested algorithm improvements to the IDPS. – The SDS shall provide the capability to generate, store and disseminate climate quality data products for OMPS limb (note: these products are not produced by the IDPS)

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 13 Level 1 Requirement Changes (1 of 3) NPP path to launch –From: – NPP observatory launch readiness date shall be no later than October 31, –To: – NPP observatory launch readiness date shall be no later than October 30, Transition to afternoon orbit –From: – Nominal descending equatorial crossing time of 10:30 AM + / - 10 minutes –To: – Nominal ascending equatorial crossing time of 1:30 PM + / - 10 minutes CERES accommodation –From: – The NPP spacecraft shall be designed for a 5-year lifetime with a probability of success of 0.85, and shall accommodate the VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS and OMPS sensors. –To: – The NPP spacecraft shall be designed for a 5-year lifetime with a probability of success of 0.85, and shall accommodate the VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS, OMPS and CERES sensors. –From: – The NPP spacecraft shall support concurrent operation for all 4 sensors, and be capable of downlinking all observed data each orbit to the mission ground system. –To: – The NPP spacecraft shall support concurrent operation for all 5 sensors, and be capable of downlinking all observed data each orbit to the mission ground system.

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 14 CERES Accommodation (continued) –From: – The SDS shall use a fully distributed interoperable architecture, with 5 (nominally) functionally independent elements (Climate Analysis Research System or CARS), organized around key EDRs (atmospheric sounding products, ocean products, land products, ozone products and atmospheric composition) in support of the ESE Science Focus Areas (Atmospheric Composition, Climate Change, Carbon/Ecosystems, Solid Earth, Weather, Water/Energy Cycle)… –To: – The SDS shall use a fully distributed interoperable architecture, with 6 (nominally) functionally independent elements (Climate Analysis Research System or CARS), organized around key EDRs (atmospheric sounding products, ocean products, land products, ozone products, atmospheric composition and Earth radiation budget) in support of the ESE Science Focus Areas (Atmospheric Composition, Climate Change, Carbon/Ecosystems, Solid Earth, Weather, Water/Energy Cycle)… Level 1 Requirement Changes (2 of 3)

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 15 CERES Accommodation (continued) and OMPS limb re- manifest –From: – In developing the SDS, the Project shall assume that EDRs produced by the IDPS are climate quality and put in place the capability to test that hypothesis in order to contribute to improving the quality of future EDRs. The SDS shall provide suggested algorithm improvements to the IDPS. –To: – In developing the SDS, the Project shall assume that EDRs produced by the IDPS are climate quality – The SDS shall have the capability to test the assumption in order to contribute to improving the quality of future EDRs – The SDS shall provide suggested algorithm improvements to the IDPS – The SDS shall provide the capability to generate, store and disseminate climate quality data products for CERES and OMPS limb (note: these products are not produced by the IDPS) Level 1 Requirement Changes (3 of 3)

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 16 MRS Changes for CERES on NPP (1 of 2) Add CERES Flight Model 5 (FM5) instrument to NPP Mission Affected MRS sections/requirements: –1.5, Reference Documents - added several documents –2.2.5, SDS Overview - refined to include OMPS limb –Added CERES to list of instruments (with references, as needed) 2.2, included CERES on Figure 2-1, Mission Segments 2.2.1, Space Segment , Instrument Accommodation , Spacecraft Contamination Requirements , Spacecraft-Instrument Resource Accommodation , Spacecraft-Instrument Interface Requirements , Spacecraft-Instrument Interface Pointing Accuracy, Knowledge, and Stability –Modified Probability of Success (Ps) 3.1.5, Mission Success - Changed Ps to include CERES

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 17 Affected sections/requirements (cont’d) –Section 3.2, Space Segment included new subsection for CERES –Section 3.6, Science Data Segment , modified SDS Ao to include CERES operational processing , added new requirement for SDS Operational Processing of CERES Data –Appendix A, Rationale Matrix 3.1.5, changed Ps to include CERES 3.2.9…added entries for new requirements , indicated that Ao reflects OMPS limb and CERES , added entry for new requirement , Product Storage in SDS; updated text to include CERES and OMPS limb products –Added CERES to acronym list MRS Changes for CERES on NPP (2 of 2)

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 18 Mission Context Diagram

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 19 NPP Mission Segment (1 of 2)  Space Segment (SS): The NPP Space Segment (SS) consists of the satellite and ground test support equipment. The satellite is comprised of the BCP 2000 bus and the following instruments:  Visible-Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS),  Cross-Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)  Ozone Mapping Profiling Suite (OMPS),  Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS).  Command, Control, and Communications Segment (C3S): Provides the NPP satellite operations capabilities, communication routing of mission data and the ground receive station, overall mission management, and coordinating the joint program operations needs.  Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS): Pre-processes Stored Mission Data, process and generates Raw Data Records (RDRs), Sensor Data Records (SDRs) and Environmental Data Records (EDRs) for subsequent transfer the the NOAA CLASS and Weather Prediction

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 20 NPP Mission Segment (2 of 2)  Archive and Distribution Segment (ADS): The main function of the ADS is to receive and archive RDRs, SDRs, and EDRs from the IDPS.  xDRs are archived, as are the associated metadata, upon which users may search, browse, and order data.  Launch Support Segment (LSS): The LSS provides those assets and services associated with the launch vehicle (LV) and the payload integration. –This segment includes all ground support equipment, property, and facilities to integrate the spacecraft to the LV, verify their integration, and conduct pre-launch testing with the remainder of the ground system.. Science Data Segment (SDS): The SDS is a prototype element of the future NASA Earth Science Enterprise distributed science data system. –The role of the NPP SDS is limited to assess the quality of the NPP EDRs for accomplishing climate research.

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 21 Ocean PEATE Atmosphere PEATE (U of Wisconsin) Support EDR Assessment Support NICSE CV Assessment Pre-/Post-Launch Provide Data Analysis Tools to ST Develop and Demonstrate Algorithms enhancements Land PEATE Ozone PEATE Support EDR Assessment Provide Data Analysis tools to ST Develop and Demonstrate Algorithms enhancements Assess and Validate CrIS & ATMS Calibration Pre- and Post-Launch (TBD) Sounder PEATE (JPL) A Mini- Version of the IDPS Demonstration of Algorithm Enhancement Generation of Intermediate Product, if necessary IDPS Production Algorithms / Software I&TSE Overall management direction and science guidance to the PEATEs Coordinates EDR Assessment, Algorithm, and Calibration recommendations for submission PSOE NESDIS NSIPS Intermediate Products NOAA ADS (CLASS) NESDIS IDPS SDR, EDR, IP, TDR, LUTs, Algorithms RDR NPOESS Algorithm CCB EDR Assessment, Algorithm Enhancements EDR Assessment Algorithm Enhancements Status reports, Management direction Status reports, Management direction Status reports, Management direction NPP Science Team NESDIS C3S (WRS) Calibration Tasking STA Report Not all data flows shown here. SDS Logical Block Diagram Algorithm Enhancements IP Gen. Request Algorithm Enhancements IP Gen. Request Support EDR Assessment Provide Data Analysis tools to ST Develop and Demonstrate Algorithms enhancements Assess and Validate OMPS Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Pre- and Post-Launch CERES CARS Generate Climate Quality Data Products to Characterize Global Climate change CERES Science Users CERES RDRs, VIIRS Subset SDRs CERES RDRs New due to Level 1 Requirements Changes SD3E 32 Day Data Buffer for RDR, SDR, EDR, and 5 days of Retained Intermediate Products RDR, SDR, EDR, IP TDR, RDR, SDR, EDR, IP RDR, SDR EDR, IP RDR, SDR EDR, IP Quality Control, Cal. LUT and S/W updates NICSE Assess and Validate VIIRS Radiometric and Geometric Calibration Pre- and Post-Launch Provide Calibration update Recommendations Coordinate PEATEs Cal Related Analysis and Anomaly Characterization Ozone Community OMPS Limb SDR EDR Perform OMPS Limb Cal/Val Support OMPS Limb Ops. Generate OMPS Limb SDR EDRs Transition OMPS Limb Algorithm to NOAA for Operations CasaNOSA Pre Launch Data & Algorithms

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 22 SDS Elements SD3E – SDS Data Delivery & Depository Element –Acquires data from NOAA/CLASS and NESDIS/IDPS –Provides ~32 days “rolling storage” for pick-up by PEATEs and the NICSE PEATEs – 5 Product Evaluation and Algorithm Test Elements –Performs EDR Evaluation / Characterization and algorithm improvements coordinated with External Science Investigators –Ocean (VIIRS) leveraged off Ocean Data Processing System (ODPS) –Land (VIIRS) leveraged off MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS) –Atmosphere (VIIRS) leveraged off University of Wisconsin-Madison’s LEOCAT –Ozone (OMPS) leveraged off OMI Data Processing System (OMIDAPS) –Sounder (CrIS & ATMS) leveraged off JPL Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Project’s Team Leader Science Computing Facility CERES CARS –Leverages existing processing capabilities and human resources across the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC), CERES Science group, and the Data Management group at the NASA Langley Research Center for characterization of Global Climate Change & CDR Production NICSE - NPP Instrument Calibration Support Element –VIIRS radiometric and geometric calibration and Instrument characterization support I&TSE – Integration and Test System Element –Mini-IDPS for demonstrating algorithm enhancements and / or calibration improvements PSOE - Project Science Office Element –Submits algorithm and calibration recommendations to NPP/NPOESS Algorithm CCB

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 24 NPP Mission Requirements Hierarchy

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 25 NPP SDS Requirements Hierarchy SDS Requirements & Ops Con PEATE Ocean PEATE Land PEATE Ozone PEATE Sounder PEATE Atmosphere NICSESD3E Level 3 Level 4 SDS System Design Spec. SDS Test Plan & Procedures NOAA CLASS IRD NPOESS to SDS ICD NSIPS to SDS ICD System Eng. Notebook SOP SD3E- PEATES ICD Requirements Design Spec. Ops. Concp. Requirements Design Spec. Requirements Design Spec. Requirements Design Spec. Requirements Design Spec. CERES CARS

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 26 Driving Requirements (1 of 2) The following Level 1 Requirements are considered key SDS design drivers: –The SDS is intended to be a research tool and as such has no operational requirements. [Section 2.1.2] –The role of the NPP SDS is limited to assess the quality of the NPP EDRs for accomplishing climate research. [Section 2.1.2] –The SDS shall be designed with the assumption that the operational IPO IDPS generated NPP EDRs do not require reprocessing or re-computation in order to support climate research needs. [Req ]

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 27 Driving Requirements (2 of 2) –The SDS shall acquire RDRs, SDRs, and EDRs from the ADS. [Req ] –The Project shall assume that EDRs produced by the IDPS are climate quality and put in place the capability to test that hypothesis in order to contribute to improving the quality of future EDRs. The SDS shall provide suggested algorithm improvements to the IDPS. [Req ] –The SDS shall use a fully distributed interoperable architecture, with 5 (nominally) functionally independent elements organized around key EDRs in support of the ESE Science Focus Areas. [Req ]

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 28 SDS Historical Milestones Launch Readiness Date February 6, 2001 NPP SDS SRR10/06 August 26, 2003NPP Confirmation Readiness Review10/06 October 28, 2003 Signed Level 1 NPP Requirements10/06 April 28, 2004 SDS Steering Committee HQ10/06 June 23, 2004 NPP SDS Approach Confirmation Review 10/06 October 1, 2004 NPP SDS SRR Reloaded10/06 April 21, 2005NPP SDS SRR Take 3 8/08 August 15-17, 2005 NPP Pre-MOR 8/08 Fall 2005NPP SDS Peer Design Reviews 8/08 September 19, 2006NPP SDS PDR 9/09 Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2007NPP SDS CDR 9/09

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 29 Stake Holders NASA HQ –Enabling Measurement Based Discipline Environment –Continuing the Science Record –Level 1 Requirements, Implementations Agreement, Mission Success Criteria NPP Project Office –Mission Requirements Specification (Level 2 Requirements), Budget, Schedule etc. –Mission Success depends on the continuing the Science Record NPP Science Team –Capabilities of the SDS Research Tool EDR Assessment, calibration testing, and algorithm enhancements IPO –EDR Assessment and algorithms enhancement results, CV Support NOAA / NESDIS / CLASS –Key Data provider to the SDS –EDR Assessment Results and Algorithm Enhancements Recommendations User Community –Continuing the Science Data Record

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 30 SDS Organization Chart Bob Schweiss SDS Task Lead S/E M. Hunter SD3E E. Ho E. Eng GSFC PEATE Ocean G. Feldman GSFC PEATE Land E. Masuoka GSFC PEATE Ozone C. Tilmes GSFC PEATE Sounder S. Friedman JPL PEATE Atmosphere L. Gumley U. Wisconsin NICSE M. Schwaller GSFC S/E K. North CARS CERES Erika Geier LaRC I&TSE K. North P. Sweatman C. Whitaker S/T V. Buczkowski

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 31 Approach and Methodology Using Mission Systems Engineering (MSE) Methodology tailored for SDS Analysis of SDS system requirements and operations concept Functional decomposition of SDS system requirements to Elements Development and analysis of SDS –System architecture –Hardware configuration alternatives –Software architecture / Design Performing technical analysis and trade studies

rev 25-Aug-2008CERES dCDR – 32 Interfaces Review SDS IDPS NSIPS CLASS Data Product Query / Request Data Products (RDRs) Data Delivery Report Data Delivery Notification Ad Hoc Requests for xDRs Browse/Search/Order/Subscribe xDRs Ancillary Data, Auxiliary Data Sensor Cal Data, Data Documentation Software Packages C3S TEU Request TEU / LRV data Work Request Browse/Search Request Retained IPs SD3E PEATES Status Request Status File Errors xDRs Data Product Requests NICSE Data Request xDRs Status Request Status Data Products (xDRs)