Question 5 – How did you attract your audience?? Sian Perrier
PULL & PUSH ADVERTISMENT Pull advertisement is a good way to interact with the younger market, you would mainly reach this market by using different social networks and thus will help spread the film through word of mouth. Word of mouth is free advertisement which can spread news about your film to people who don’t use social medias or to people who won’t easily see your advertisement. Push advertisement is a good way to advertise to the older market, you would use the traditional advertisement techniques; this type of advertisement is not very interactive. Posters could be used to advertise the film, it can be cheap, you can make a lot of them and put them up in busy locations. Billboards are another form of posters but are much bigger and eye catching. TV adverts are a subtle way to show the audience little previews of the film making them want to see more.
MARKETING TOOLS The target market for Animus would be as the theme of our film would suit this age group it also has a very complex and fast past narrative which would be better suited towards our target market. The best way to interact with the younger audience is through the internet, especially social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube. We could also broaden our advertisement by creating apps and games for smart phones. Advertisement to our older target market would be through newspapers; using newspapers such as The Sun, The Daily Mail and The Empire magazine. Having TV advert would attract a wide range of people; using channels such as ITV, Sky and Film 4 would be a good way to interact with the older market but also interact with a potential audience. Award and chat shows such as the Grammys and Graham Norton would also be very useful as they attract a wide audience that may be interested in our thriller film.
ACTORS Animus is a mainstream film so it needs to contain big well-known stars that we also help sell the film, having big actors will bring their fans to see the film, therefore there will be a larger potential market. Leonardo De-Caprio would be a good lead role for Animus because he has acted in similar roles in Thriller films like Shutter Island and Inception. Another possible actor who could play Kane is Johnny Depp who has also played similar roles in films like Public Enemy and Sweeny Todd where his character becomes obsessed. Both of these actors are considered attractive so a lot more females will want to see the film.
UNIQUE SELLING POINT To attract the audience, our films unique selling point Would be the a-list cast this will get the audiences attention because they will have huge popularity, when creating the posters we will make sure that is one of the main focuses, along with empathising the director and what genre the film is in. For our film I think a good director would be Steven Spielberg, who is a very well known and influential director or Quentin Tarantino who could put his own twist on the film and is very good at making fast paced films. A snappy tagline will also be placed on the posters to sum up the film in a descriptive sentence.
FEEDBACK We showed our opening title sequence to the class and I also uploaded it to Facebook so I could get a wider range of feedback. This feedback allowed us to see how well we conveyed our idea and how well our opening title sequence conformed to the conventions of a Thriller
GENRE It was mentioned countless times that the location of the forest was good because it seemed ‘Scary and dangerous’ this is because the woods is closed off from the outside world and conveys a sense of ‘danger’. Another point that was picked up on was that they main character was ‘very typical of the genre’ and that his ‘Dark personality was shown clearly’ this is something that we tried hard to pronounce to the audience. Many people who gave feedback mentioned the ‘dead body’ and that seeing that body they instantly knew the genre of the film. They also said that it adds mystery to the opening title sequence because they are left wondering who killed her.
MISE-EN-SCENE In the feedback they said that the ‘the crime scene tape and police badge give an authentic feel’ from the feedback, I feel that we have successfully targeted our audience and addressed their needs by making the film feel realistic. The audience picked up on the fact that the ‘bracelet was the most effective mise en scene because it gives the audience a clue that it will be a big part of the narrative’ we did this by repeatedly showing the bracelet throughout the opening title sequence. By doing this it makes the audience want to watch to find out it’s importance. The audience commented on the costume of the dead girl saying that the ‘ripped leggings’ show a crime has taken place and that there has been a struggle. The dead girls costume ‘help hide her identity’ so it adds mystery but it also tells the audience vital information such as she’s a helpless school girl.
TECHNICAL ASPECTS The audience said that the ‘music was very typical’ this is the effect we wanted because we wanted the audience to know what exactly the genre of the film was. The face past editing made it ‘visually interesting’ we made sure to make the opening title sequence fast paced so it incised the audience and so that they didn’t get bored and stop watching half way through. Also if they got bored during the opening title sequence they wouldn’t want to watch the rest of the film. The flashbacks were ‘clear and could tell them apart’. We made sure this was clear with white flashes this is so the audience doesn’t get confused. Overall from the feedback given, I feel that we have successfully targeted our audience because they stated that our opening title sequence conforms to the conventions of the Thriller genre well.