Exemple for PM 10 as daily mean Checked bymeasurements in combination with models Year µg/m Maximum permitted values Environmental quiality norm Upper check-level Lower check-level Checked by measurements Checked by models 70 75
Measurements Emission calculations Dispersion calculations
MEASURING SITES for PM10 Råö Borås Färgelanda Gothenburg Mariestad Aspvreten
BALTIC SEA Aspvreten
Month mean of
(all coexistent)
(no precipitation) Background wed thu frisatsunmontue
(no precipitation) Background wed thufri sat sun mon tue
(no precipitation) Background wed thufri sat sun mon tue
Street - Background (no precipitation) wedthu fri sat sun mon tue
(with precipitation) Street - Background wed thu fri sat sun mon tue
wed thufri sat sun mon tue Gothenburg Roof; city center
wed thu fri sat sun mon tue Gothenburg Roof; city center
Gothenburg Roof; city center Ratio wed thu fri sat sun mon tue
Wind direction
4-7/1 (NE-SE)15-20/1 (S-NW)25/2-2/3 (E-SE) BoråsPM BoråsNa-marine BoråsNa-not marine BoråsSea salt170.1 BoråsSeasalt/PM RåöPM RåöNa-marine RåöNa-not marine RåöSea salt RåöSeasalt/PM How much is sea salt?
Emissions from
VOC (ton/year ) NOx (ton/Year ) Particles (ton/year) Agriculture Forestry Housholding Industry Other
Emissions from roads
Type of cars:
Cars are split up by age: A B C D E F
Type of road:
Year of calculation: Traffic intensity is a function of year Number of cars of different ages is a function of year Traffic intensity on different parts of the roads:
Emissions (g/km) are functions of: Type of car Age of car Type of road Speed limit on road
Hot soak Cold start
Emissions from ships
Emissions in cities
Emissions ton/year Type of source AreaCarsShips Line+Harbour Total NOx HC PM (from gas)
ALARM-systemet Leif Enger Enger KM-konsult AB Blixtgatan 9 Uppsala Sweden
ALARM-system = Advanced Local And Regional Modeling system
The ALARM- system consist of Meteorology model Dispersion model Measurements Menu program Grafics
Meteorology model: The MIUU-model Developed by Leif Enger and several others at Meteorological Institute Uppsala University
”The MIUU-method” for wind climate modelling Input Air pressure field Topography Surface roughness Landuse Ground temperature Cloudiness Longitude and latitude Time of year Initial profiles of temperature and hunidity MIUU-model Output Wind Temperature Humidity Turbulent energy WWEC 2003, November 23-26, Cape Town, South Africa Hans Bergström, Department of Earth Sciences-Meteorology, Uppsala University
Metorological database The MIUU-model simulates wind, temperature and turbulence over a day for a great number of cases: Three geostrophic wind speeds 36 different wind directions 4 different ”seasons” Calculated wind, temperature and turbulence fields are saved once per hour during the day. This provides us with about different meteorological cases.
Database creation, phase 1: Wind, temperature and turbulence fields over Sweden and surrounding seas are simulated with the MIUU-model with 5 km resolution. This includes surrounding areas that is supposed to influence the wind climate over Sweden.
Database creation : Example of wind fields from simulation with the MIUU- model with 5 km resolution. A case in april with NW geostrophic wind of 15 m/s. The north and south areas fit very well in the overlapping parts, which give us the wind field for the whole Scandinavia. In this case high winds in e.g. the mountains, north and south Baltic Sea, as well as over Kattegatt and Skagerack. m/s
Database creation, phase 2: Wind, temperature and turbulence fields are simulated with the MIUU- model with 1 km resolution. Sweden is divided into 15 areas. Boundary conditions are taken from the model results from the 5 km resolution simulations.
The Alarm-system uses a combination of measurements and model simulations
Exemple of dispersion from area sources Movie: Dispersion of NOx during 4 days. One hour between each picture.
ships Line
(Line + Area + ships)
( g/m 3 ) Simulated NOx Simulated NO 2 (0.7NOx) Measured NO 2 Borås,StnA Mariestad Färgelanda12810 Trollhättan Hjo Karlsborg Åmål