New Mexico Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Programs April 2008
Governor Richardson on Climate Change Set state GHG reduction targets & established stakeholder group (CCAG) in 2005 –2000 levels by 2012 –10% below 2000 by 2020 –75% below 2000 by CCAG recommendations, 67 unanimous December 2006 Executive Order
What we have accomplished GHG inventory Climate Change Advisory Group Recommendations VISTAs Chicago Climate Exchange Member Reports (oil and gas/cars) Mandatory GHG emissions reporting rule Adopted CA clean car standards
What we are working on Implementation of greenhouse gas reporting rule Coordination of clean cars regulation Oil and Gas exploration, production, processing and gathering greenhouse gas emissions reporting protocol Anti-Idling Tax credits for energy generation facilities
Statewide Initiatives Western Climate Initiative The Climate Registry Lead-by-example reductions in state greenhouse gas emissions Carbon sequestration study and rules Green building codes Climate Change Action Implementation Team
Roles and Resources Who: mostly Air Quality Bureau Resource needs: much more than we have Funding sources: using NSR permit fees fund Scope of effort: Expanding exponentially…(we live in fear of another EO)
Climate Change Action Team Membership includes: EMNRD, Tax and Rev., DOT, Regulation and Licensing, GSD, State Engineer, Economic Development, Finance and Administration Joint efforts: support of energy efficiency initiatives through EMNRD, limited coordination with DOT, tax regulation with Tax and Revenue
Western Climate Initiative Likely need some statutory change for at least parts of the program Air staff are monitoring and observing, we know we’ll be tagged with much of implementation Legislature granted one position to work on greenhouse gas initiatives starting summer 2008
Benefits of WCI membership Coordination with other states on mandatory reporting rule implementation Coordination with other states on cap and trade issues Commiserate with other Air Directors regarding the difficulty and challenges of the tasks we face
Prospects for upcoming federal actions Who can guess? Benefits to states from proposed bills (funding, reduce leakage, smaller states can draw from other states’ expertise) May pre-empt state and regional cap-and- trade May allow states to tailor state program to remaining issues after cap and trade Issues with EJ
How GHG emissions tie into our traditional CAA work Four Corners region (ok, at least NM) ozone nonattainment designation very likely Many oil and gas reductions for ozone precursors will also address ghg emission reductions Some ability to integrate inventory for criteria pollutants and GHG emissions