When class starts, my book bag belongs By my feet
When class begins I will be at my seat ready to begin class.
At my desk I will have ready: Notebook Pencils Calculator Homework
All my work will be done in pencil, showing all my work —no work, no credit.
If I need to sharpen a pencil, I will do it before class
My assignment will always be posted on the teacher’s website or edmodo for this class
Getting assignments and completing my work is my responsibility
If I need a sheet of lined paper or graph paper, I can get it from the box before class
When class begins I will be ready to discuss and/or present homework questions from previous day
I am on time for class if I am in my seat by the time the bell rings
If I am tardy, I will follow the Start On Time procedures. Tardies 1,2, & 3 – Warnings Tardies 4 & 5 – Care Tardy 5 – ALC Tardies 6 to ?? OSS Tardy is each time you are late. So it’s possible to get CARE in one day if you are late to all four classes in one day.
If I need to speak in class, I will raise my hand and wait to be called on
I will always try to speak and act _appropriately and respectfully_ towards others.
If my cell phone is seen or heard, it will be confiscated by any teacher/administrator and I will have to Have my parent go to the front office get it back
If my behavior prevents the instructor from teaching or my classmates from learning, I will receive consequences as outlined in the Progressive Discipline Plan “comply or goodbye”
Please bring a water bottle if you are thirsty during class. Bottle must have a cap!! Absolutely No food or gum in class
Completing my work is ___my own responsibility______.