The amount of solar energy per unit of Earth’s surface area depends on latitude. Earth’s curved surface causes latitudes closer to the equator to receive more direct sunlight than latitudes farther north or south. What affects climate? LATITUDE 1/2
Latitudes near the poles receive less solar energy and have lower average temperatures. Latitudes near the equator tend to have warmer climates than higher latitudes. What affects climate?What affects climate? LATITUDE 2/2
Mountains influence climate because they are barriers to prevailing winds. An area of low rainfall on the downwind slope of a mountain is called a rain shadow.rain shadow What affects climate?What affects climate? RAIN SHADOW
Climate is influenced by altitude. Temperature decreases as altitude increases in the troposphere. What affects climate?What affects climate? ALTITUDE
Because land heats and cools more quickly than water, climates along coastlines to remain somewhat constant. Prevailing winds extend the moderate temperatures farther inland. What affects climate? WATER 1/2
Ocean currents modify climate. The Gulf Stream is a warm, northward current along the east coast of North America. The Gulf Stream brings warmer temperatures to portions of the United States and Europe. What affects climate? WATER 1/2
A microclimate is a localized climate that is different from the climate of the larger area surrounding it.microclimate Cities are often warmer than the surrounding area. A city’s roads and buildings absorb solar radiation What affects climate? MICROCLIMATE