…the place to make a difference for women 2015 D07 Conference, Kansas City, MO
The power of Zonta 30,000 individuals professionals/ members 67 countries $27m donations to intern. programs
US$13 million to international service projects benefiting millions of women in 36 countries
US$3.5 million to ZISVAW projects 43 projects in 33 countries
US$9 million 1,473 Amelia Earhart fellowships 70 countries
US$893, Jane M. Klausman scholarships 50 countries
US$694, Young Women in Public Affairs awards 53 countries
Increased advocacy
Increased advocacy: UN / CSW
Strong partnerships and affiliations with international organizations consultative status with UN’s ECOSOC participatory status with the Council of Europe -> -> new partnership: Girls not Brides
Remarkable achievement
But is this all?
Zonta is a brand.
A brand is a… …unique symbol, design, word/term or a combination of these employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality and satisfaction in the consumer‘s mind. It provides orientation by standing for certain benefits and values.
The importance of being special What can Zonta International offer that no one else can? Why would members want to be members?
A bubbly, sweet, brown liquid?
Promises, community 1886drink Coca Cola and enjoy 1924refresh yourself 1969it’s the real thing 1987you can’t beat the feeling 2001life tastes good 2014share a Coke
Just cars?
2012 TV ad: “We don’t make sports cars. We don’t make SUVs. We don’t make hybrids. We don’t make luxury sedans. What we make is the ultimate driving machine.”
Brand communications Sheer Driving Pleasure Joy Designed for Driving Pleasure
But… Brands are not built by a marketing and public relations departments or committees – brands are built at every point of customer contact.
Touchpoint in flight experience Singapore Airlines
Each member represents the brand demonstrates honesty and trustworthiness is respected in her job enjoys fellowship (all over the world) is committed to women’s issues donates to projects is open minded
Each club represents the brand Performance -> professional, high quality, inclusive, in line with Zonta’s mission Identity -> consistent design, respects organizational dos and don’ts Experience -> atmosphere is welcoming, good leadership Value -> time is well spent, money is well spent, fellowship
“Zonta engaged me through meaningful events supporting and encouraging my efforts encouraging change” Brittany Vaughn, ZC of Burbank
Brand management elsewhere…
A successful brand… ….stays true to its very core ….adapts to changing circumstances
Membership message You are part of an international organization of nearly 30,000 members working together to empower women. Our service provides a better life for those women and girls who benefit from Zonta's support and great satisfaction to those members who participate.
2 points to remember You represent the brand. Everything you say and do is Zonta in the minds of members and the public.
7 Keys to a successful future Demonstrate a behavior consistent with our mission and our brand. Watch what you do and how you‘re perceived. Watch the competitors. Build on our strengths and improve. Use the resources Zonta provides. Be open to new ideas and innovation. Seek collaboration within and outside Zonta.
From here… Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can do. Arthur Ashe
Enjoy this conference!