Evaluation of Denmark’s Climate Change Funding to Developing Countries Overview of the Findings DIIS Seminar Copenhagen 30 September 2015
2 Purpose of the Evaluation Core evaluation question: What is the impact of the Danish climate change funding on mitigation of and adaptation to the consequences of climate change in developing countries? Two subsidiary tasks: Identify the transformations and contributions of Danish climate-change funding to global climate change policies and financing; and Provide lessons from this support to inform the shape and scope of future interventions and the Climate Envelope as a whole.
Level of Support & How it was Spent Portfolio primary focus approx. DKK 3 billion Implementing partner sample – DKK 1.2 billion 3
4 Results from the Interventions
5 Global Agenda, Poverty & Social Inclusion Successful influence on global climate change policies Capacity building for poorer countries at global negotiations Stronger voice for vulnerable groups Poverty focus thru’ broadly based approaches
6 Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Builds on Danish expertise and experience Strong focus on policy influence and modelling Working in middle-income countries provides lower risk inputs for low-income countries Some successes in attracting private sector investment partners
7 Portfolio-level Findings
8 Overall Portfolio Good relevance and alignment with Danish and partner aims and priorities Very wide range of themes, modalities and geography Intense pressure to spend post Bali 2007 Limited experience captured on what does/does not work Tendency to be opportunistic
9 Portfolio Management Similar issues to those of other donors Complex institutional framework Diverse guidance documentation Annual budgeting Limited lesson learning Good use of energy expertise but limited “Danish Identity”
10 Conclusions and Lessons Uncertainty in 2008, hence “research” Negative results are not failures Need to consolidate, be more strategic and enhance cross-portfolio coherence
11 Recommendations 1.Develop Climate Envelope strategy 2.Improve Climate Envelope structure 3.Strengthen M&E and feedback system 4.Maximise funding leverage 5.Strengthen policy influence and cross- portfolio coherence
12 Points for Discussion Climate Change cuts across institutional structures in donor and partner countries Middle-income cf. Low income partners Policy “balloon” detached from reality? Objectives, safeguards and multiple voices? Decision making by consensus or opting out? Cost-effective evaluation approaches? Difficulties of tracing climate finance
13 That ’ s All Folks!!