Cognitive Impact on Children from Airplane Noise 2008
Outline Concepts and Definitions General Health Effects School Studies Conclusions and Future Actions
Concepts and Definitions NOISE = UNWANTED SOUND
Measurements Measured as oscillation of air pressure (scientific) and unwanted (value judgment) The intensity of sound waves produce a sound pressure level which is measured in the Decibel (dB) Db use a logarithmic scale to accommodate the large range of values a human ear can detect.
Increase of 3-5 dB is significant Increase of 10 dB is a doubling of sound Increase of 15 dB is four times as loud
Noise Guidelines FAA level of significance: compatible with residential commercial, public building use65 db EPA outdoor for protection of public health and wellfare55 db WHO outdoor day50-55 db Metropolitan area noise45-60 db Studies show cognitive impacts starting around50-55 db EPA indoor45 db WHO outdoor night45 db Typical background even in rural suburban area40 db Bedrooms30 db
Sources of Noise
Weighted Sound Measurements Day night sound level – Ldn- (weigthed over 24 hr period with a 10dB penalty for night time hours where annoyance may be highest)
The average increase in air craft noise within the Redesign Area is estimated at 4.5 – 5.9 dB
Health Effects The reported non-auditory effects in noise range from social psychological effects such as annoyance, effects on mental health, effects on sleep, effects on performance to stress related health effects such as hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. Exposure to noise constitutes a health risk. (Health Council Netherlands)
Health Effects Annoyance/Stress Hypertension (HYENA) Sleep Disturbances Hearing loss Effects on learning
Cognitive Impacts on Children The School Studies Los Angeles Munich London Ranch (Road traffic and air noise exposure and childrens cognition and health) FICAN (Federal interagency commission on aviation noise)
StudyLA-1981Munich-1998London-2003 RANCH-2005(roadtraffic and air noise exposure and childrens cognition and health) FICAN (fedral interagency commission on aviation noise) Setting 4 high noise and 3 low noise schools flight path of LAX with follow up one year later prospective study. Shut down old air port in urban area and open new one in rural area. Selected schools by old air port in noise and quiet zones and schools by new airport in noise and quiet zones cross sectional study: 10 high noise and 10 low noise schools by Heathrow air port cross sectional and transnational. Amsterdam, Madrid, and London airports, as well as data from Sweden children 32 public schools by 3 air ports. Used available data, standardized tests etc. Looked at noise during school year. And schools before and after noise reduction. Quality of life significantly worse 18 months after new airport opened. Findings stable in the quiet communities. higher measures of annoyance in the high noise schools non-linear exposure response between noise at school and home and annoyance. High aircraft noise exposure equals greater annoyance. Motivation and helpless ness children from the high noise school more likely to give up noise area children were more likely to give up on tasks the second time whether or not they failed the first time. Blood pressure increase in both systolic and diastolic readings in children from noise schools not statistically significant aircraft noise in school not related to blood pressure. Aircraft noise home significant to systolic but not diastolic or heart rate. Reading significant difference between noise and quiet for old air port area for the difficult passages in reading tests no difference between exposure levels on the test as a whole but if look at the 15 most difficult items then significant difference between noise and quiet. linear exposure effect w reading, especially complex questions, episodic memory and working memory. Increase of 5 db equals 1-2 month delay in reading. high school verbal test failure rates dropped 12%, lesser effect in math. No other statistical significant effects.
Dose Response
Conclusions Chronic exposure to air craft noise impairs reading and ability to perform complicated tasks Linear exposure effect response seen at 5db increases Increase of 5 dB leads to 1-2 month delay in reading Effect of noise is cumulative Reduction in noise lead to reduction in impairment. Or the effect of noise on cognitive abilities appears to be reversible
Aviation Noise Impacts Community impacts: The increase of 3-5 dB in a community will be experienced as a doubling in noise Sound quality in a community can add or detract to the sense of social well being Public health impacts: Increased levels in hyper tension and stress hormones as well as sleep interruption can lead to other more serious health problems Cognitive impacts: Decreased cognitive function in children can have significant impact on test scores, school funding, and future learning
Future Actions Is the FAA using the right metrics? Alternatives to the day-night average Alternatives to the FAA 65 dB threshold Take susceptibility into account Dose response Cognitive impacts Health impacts Treat noise as an independent environmental stressor