Shipping to Streaming: Is this shift green? Kevin Leeds
Paper claims and assumptions Streaming consumes 78% of energy that shipping requires but 205% of the carbon footprint “Greening of IT” techniques can reduce these to 30% and 65%, respectively Content increasing in size (HD/3D)
Energy cost for shipping 1 DVD MJ to ship 1 DVD
Energy cost for streaming 1 movie 1.1 MJ to stream a movie
Energy Optimization Green Datacenter(IT equipment, decrease cooling costs, energy proportionality) Green Networking(Sleeping[20-30% savings], link-rate-adaption[50% savings])
Carbon Footprint Based on CO2 emissions Biggest optimization in servers
More to consider Higher data-rate movies (HD/3D) Multiple views of movie Greener shipping options DVD reproduction on-site (distribution centers burning copies) Increase in DVD lifetime?