Lesson 4: Preparing For College
Welcome & Introductions Welcome Back Reviewing information from session 3 Homework review (small group sharing) How did the conference go? What did you learn about your student? What did you learn about the teacher? Was the conference easy or difficult?
Learning About Hoover High The Nuts and Bolts College Avenue Compact: Guaranteed Admission to SDSU Hoover Academies School Culture: School Rules & School Dress Code School Activities Sports, Clubs, Synergy, After School Activities How much does high school cost? Grades 9-12 Lunches, PE clothes, yearbook, dances, games, sports equip., fees Senior Year Yearbook, Prom, Grad Night, AP Tests, Cap & Gown, Sr. Pictures
Parent Engagement in High School Important elements of parent engagement Review “How Parents Can Become Involved” (workbook) Communicate with the school staff Parent Education opportunities Volunteering Advisory Committees
Creating a Pathway to College Review “Creating a Pathway to College” roadmap (workbook) Review “Specifics of Creating a Pathway to College” (workbook) Small group discussions Do you need more information on any of the criteria? What do you feel are the most important criteria? Group share out Whole Group Discussion: What can you add?
College Admission College Admission Requirements (workbook) A-G Academic Requirements (3.0 GPA) University Entrance Exams (ELM,EPT) SAT or ACT Financial Aid Opportunities
Understanding A-G Requirements Small groups: Playing the A-G Matching Game (See workbook) Checking our Understanding: (See workbook “A-G Courses”) Why is A-G Important? Note: A 3.0 GPA is required in A-G Classes!
Sample A-G Schedule Small groups: Review sample A-G Course schedule (see workbook, Lesson 2: University Admission Requirements/High school Graduation Requirements ) Compare to “A-G” handout Are there any surprises? Group share out
Four Systems of Higher Education California Higher Education Opportunities (workbook) The four systems: 1. Community College 2. California State University (CSU) 3. University of California (UC) 4. Independent Colleges (Private colleges)
Financial Aid Options for College Financial Aid Opportunities (see bottom section of “College Requirements” pp 73-74) 1. Scholarships and grants………..Free money 2. Loans…………………………………….Paid back 3. Work Study…………………………..Jobs on campus 4. Federal & State Aid……………….FAFSA application
Undocumented Students & AB540 AB 540 Information (workbook) AB 540 refers to undocumented, non-US citizens Who is eligible for AB 540? Student must attend a California high school for 3+ years and graduate with a diploma or GED Must file affidavit with college applying to All documents are confidential AB 540 does NOT establish residency Federal/state money (FAFSA) not available to AB 540 students
Creating an Action Plan for College Partner Activity: Complete “College Action Plan” (See passout, Academic Review form) Group Share Out Important Elements
Closure Workshop Assessment Post-Survey (entire course) October Reunion (TBD) Parent Recognition & Celebration