Darien High School Home of the Blue Wave William Epifanio
DHS Rocks Competitive sports program Great teachers and staff Variety of clubs – Computer Club – Yearbook Club Hard working students competitive, focused, and driven Large campus Friendly atmosphere
Student Diversity Darien Blue Wave Closed Campus Freshman Study Hall Open Courtyard Cafeteria with a variety of food choices No lights on athletic field New Canaan Rams Open Campus Freshman Frees No courtyard Limited variety Lighted athletic field
Route to Graduation Freshman Sophomore JuniorSenior Graduation
Sports at DHS Spring LacrosseGolfBaseball Track and Field TennisSoftball Boys Volleyball RugbySailing
Creating Research Paper Final Copy Teacher Review Rough Draft Outline Research
Cafeteria Offerings Sweets Meat Dairy Fruits and Vegetables Grains
Activities at DHS Clubs Computer Yearbook SOS Debate Model UN Neirad Sports Football Baseball Tennis Soccer Volleyball Sailing Arts Tri M Jazz Ensemble Theatre 308 Concert Choir Tudor Singers Orchestra
Nature Pictures Red Sky Purple Flowers Blue Waves
Darien High School vs. Middlesex Middle School 4 Years Larger Large courtyard Huge Auditorium with a balcony 9-12 Four different lunch shifts 3 Years Smaller Small courtyard Auditorium without a balcony 6-8 Study/Lunch, Lunch/Study Both have elevators Both have the variety of classes, sports, and clubs Both have courtyards in the center Both public schools
Sports Ranks Coach Assistant Coach Captains Trainer Manager
Principal Assistant Principal
High School Timeline Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduation
What did you learn? Who is Darien’s biggest rival? How many years does it take to graduate? What types of activities do they have at DHS? List three spring sports
DHS has clubs, sports and the arts.