DAY 10: EXCEL CHAPTER 8, 9, 10 Tazin Afrin September 23,
SOLVER Solver is an add-in application that manipulates variables based on constraints to find the optimal solution to a problem. Solver is one of the most sophisticated what-if analysis tools, and people use Solver in a variety of situations and industries. 2
OBJECTIVE AND VARIABLE CELL The objective cell is the cell that contains the formula-based value that you want to maximize, minimize, or set to a value in Solver. A changing variable cell is a cell containing a variable whose value changes until Solver optimizes the value in the objective cell. 3
LOAD SOLVER ADD-IN Files -> Options -> Add Ins Manage add-in -> Excel add-in -> Go Select solver add-in -> Ok 4
SET OBJECTIVE AND VARIABLE CELL Data -> Solver Set objective variable cell and value Set changing variable cells Close and save the workbook. Add constraints. 5
SOLVE Chose a solving method: –GRG Nonlinear: guaranteed local optimal –Simplex LP: guaranteed global optimal, must be linear –Evolutionary: good solutions for non smooth functions Solve 6
CHAPTER 9 AND 10 Multiple Worksheets –Group –Fill across worksheets –Enter and format data 7
HYPERLINK Enter data in cell Insert -> hyperlink Select link and range of data 8
3D FORMULAS A 3-D formula is a formula or function that refers to the same range in multiple worksheets. –'Worksheet Name'!RangeOfCells =SUM('FirstWorksheet:LastWorksheet'!RangeOfCells) 9
TEMPLATES File->New-> –Recent Templates –Sample Templates –My Templates – Templates 10