Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED1 RDML John Roberti Deputy Director Joint Strategic Planning APEX The Overall Classification of the Briefing is UNCLASSIFIED
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED2 Agenda Strategy Interagency decision-making process Strategic Planning System –Strategy Drives Processes –National Strategic Guidance –DoD Guidance and Policy –Assessments –Strategy timeline
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED3 Strategy Strategy – (DoD) A prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of… power in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve… objectives. Strategy based upon long term objectives and environment Elements of Strategy: –Ends – What will be accomplished (Objectives) –Ways – How it will be accomplished / (Lines of Operation / CONOPs) –Means – Resources required to the achieve ends –Prioritizes / Focuses Resource Allocation –Identifies Risk (Acceptable / Unacceptable) –Links / Mutually Supports
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED4 Other executive depts/agencies/senior officials as appropriate National Security Council (NSC) Members Economic issues include: -Commerce -US Trade Rep -Asst to Pres for Economic Policy -Chair, Council of Economic Advisors Homeland Security/CT issues include: -Asst to Pres for Homeland Security & CT Science & Tech issues include: -Director of Office of Science & Technology Principal forum for consideration & integration of national security policy issues requiring Presidential determination Invited to attend every NSC mtg: -President’s Counsel -Deputy Nat’l Security advisor Statutory Advisors CJCS DNI PPD-1 (13 Feb 09) Statutory (1947 NSA) US Rep to UN Treasury Homeland Security President Vice President Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of Energy Attorney General President’s Chief of Staff National Security Advisor
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED5 NSC Committees Invited to attend every PC: President’s Counsel Deputy Nat’l Security advisor Senior interagency forum for national security policy issues Chair: NSA Sec State Sec Treasury Sec Defense Attorney General Sec Energy Sec DHS Director OMB US Rep to UN Pres. Chief of Staff DNI CJCS * Others similar to NSC as appropriate Chair: Deputy NSA DepSec State DepSec Treasury DepSec Defense Dep Attorney General DepSec Energy DepSec DHS DepDirector OMB Dep US Rep to UN Dep DNI Vice CJCS Asst to VP for NSA Recommends actions to the PC and reviews/monitors work of NSC interagency process (IPCs) * Others similar to PC as appropriate Main day-to-day fora for interagency coord of national security policy Chairs: NSC Senior directors Established at direction of DC Convene on regular basis Replace policy coordination committees (PCCs) Not permanent / standing bodies Sub - IPCs Chair: NSC directors Action officer level working groups supporting IPCs Country directors Desk officers Deputies Committee (DC) Principals Committee (PC) Interagency Policy Committees (IPC) DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy as Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED6 National Security Strategy – National Priorities Employ the Force Manage the Force Develop the Force National Defense Strategy/QDR – Department Guidance National Military Strategy – Strategic Direction Comprehensive Joint Assessment – Integrated Global/Regional ends-ways-means-risk analysis Defense Planning and Programming Guidance – Priorities & Risk for the Future Force Unified Command Plan – Combatant Command Missions & Responsibilities Guidance for Employment of the Force* – DoD Planning Guidance & Priorities Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan – CJCS Direction for Planning/Apportionment CJCS Program Assessment – Appraisal of Programs & Budgets Operational & Regional Strategies & Plans - Theater Strategies – Derived from UCP Missions & Responsibilities - Global / Theater Campaign Plans – Focus on Global / Theater End States -- Contingency Plans - Detailed Branches / Sequels to Campaign Plans - Campaign Support Plans – Priorities/tasks to support COCOM TCPs Force Development Products Service / SOCOM Plans DoD Analytic Agenda National, DoD, Joint Strategic Planning Systems National Strategies Strategic Planning Documents CJCS Risk Assessment – Military & Strategic Risk Assessment CJCS Program Recommendations (Capabilities / Programs / Budgets) Feedback Mechanisms POTUS SECDEF CJCS LEGEND COCOM / SERVICE * POTUS & SECDEF Document Joint Strategy Review – Environment & Implications GFMIG GFMAP
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED7 National Security Strategy (NSS) Title 50 U.S.C. Sec (a)(1) The President shall transmit to Congress each year a comprehensive report on the national security strategy of the United States –Shall be transmitted on the date the President submits his budget to Congress –Shall be completed no later than 150 days after a new President takes office. –Shall include a comprehensive description/discussion of the following Worldwide interests, goals, objectives that are vital to the U.S. Foreign policy, worldwide commitments, national defense capabilities of the U.S. necessary to deter aggression and to implement the NSS Short & Long-term uses of the pol, econ, mil, other elements of national power to protect/promote vital interests/goals/objectives Adequacy of the capabilities of the U.S. to carry out the NSS, including an evaluation of the balance among elements of national power “We must pursue a strategy of national renewal and global leadership.” DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy as Process Enduring National Interests The security of the U.S., its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners A strong, innovative, and growing U.S. economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity Respect for universal values at home and around the world An international order advanced by U.S. leadership that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED8 Title 10 U.S.C. 118 requires Secretary of Defense to conduct a quadrennial defense review and develop a defense strategy with a force structure and program capable of executing the strategy at low to moderate risk. Informed by NSS. Informs NMS, GEF and GDF National Defense Strategy (NDS) Current NDS is incorporated in 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy as Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED9 Title 10 U.S.C. 118 requires SecDef to conduct a comprehensive review of defense strategy, force structure/infrastructure, force modernization plans, budget plan, and other elements of defense program and policies –In consultation with CJCS, SecDef must determine US defense strategy and defense program for the next 20 years, and assess the nature and magnitude of the political, strategic and military risk associated with executing the strategy. –Independent CJCS requirements: assessment of the QDR, assessment of risk, and assessment and recommendations on roles and missions –QDR will use 2008 NDS as strategic point of departure Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy as Process “The United States needs a broad portfolio of military capabilities with maximum versatility across the widest possible spectrum of conflict.” Four Defense Objectives (Ends): Prevail in Today’s Wars Prevent and Deter Conflict Prepare to Defeat Adversaries and Succeed in a Wide Range of Contingencies Preserve and Enhance the All-Volunteer Force
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED10 UNCLASSIFIED National Military Strategy (NMS) National Military Strategy National Military Strategy: –Title 10 U.S.C. requires delineation of a national military strategy consistent with: (i) the most recent National Security Strategy prescribed by the President; (ii) the most recent annual report of the SECDEF to the President and Congress; and the most recent QDR conducted by the SECDEF. Informed by NSS, QDR, NDS, and CRA. Informs JSCP and provides CRA framework. DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy as Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED11 UNCLASSIFIED Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) Title 10, Sec 113(g): –“The SecDef…shall provide…written policy guidance on…the priorities of military missions.” –“The SecDef…after consultation with CJCS, shall provide the Chairman written policy guidance for preparation and review of contingency plans.” Articulates planning requirements and priorities Provides strategic context, endstates, and key partners Lists policy guidance for force allocation and posture Merged the CPG and SCG into a near term strategic guidance document Status: – POTUS approved, SecDef signed in April, 2011 OSD required to provide policy guidance (not planning guidance) DIRECT ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process EXECUTE
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED12 UNCLASSIFIED Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) Title 10, Sec 153(a): Subject to the authority…of POTUS and SecDef, the CJCS is responsible for: –“Preparing strategic plans...” –“Providing for the preparation and review of contingency plans which conforms to policy guidance from POTUS and SecDef.” Implements GEF by formally tasking planning requirements and plan levels Articulates all planning tasks and guidance Provides CCDRs seam and coordination guidance Lists force apportionment guidance and posture Status: – CJCS signed in June 2011 JS required to prepare & review plans which conform to OSD policy DIRECT ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process EXECUTE
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED13 UNCLASSIFIED Title 10, U.S.C 161 directs CJCS to periodically review (every two years or more) the missions, responsibilities (including geographic boundaries), and force structure of each combatant command; and recommend to the President any changes to missions, responsibilities, and force structures as may be necessary. Status: –UCP 2011 signed in April 2011 –Revision 1 to UCP at NSC Unified Command Plan (UCP) Changes in UCP - AOR lines around the Arctic redrawn - NORTHCOM given responsibility for advocating for Arctic capabilities - Alaska Crosshatching removed - TRANSCOM named the DOD synchronizer for global distribution - STRATCOM’s role as CWMD synchronizer clarified - JFCOM disestablished Changes in UCP - AOR lines around the Arctic redrawn - NORTHCOM given responsibility for advocating for Arctic capabilities - Alaska Crosshatching removed - TRANSCOM named the DOD synchronizer for global distribution - STRATCOM’s role as CWMD synchronizer clarified - JFCOM disestablished DIRECT ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process EXECUTE
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED14 UNCLASSIFIED Discussion: –Tool used to integrate force assignment, apportionment, and allocation processes in support of the National Defense Strategy and Joint Force requirements SecDef Assigns forces to CCDRs to meet UCP missions and responsibilities SecDef Allocates forces to meet current operational requirements CJCS Apportions forces to CCDRs for planning –JS prepares and SecDef approves the GFMIG Section I: GFM Overview (J8) Section II: Assignment of Forces (“Forces For”) (J-8) Section III: Allocation of Forces (J3) Section IV: Apportionment of Forces (J8)(CJCS approves) Status: –Document updated biannually. SecDef signed in 2010; Next major update scheduled for FY2012 Global Force Management Implementation Guidance (GFMIG) DIRECT ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process EXECUTE Global force Management Implementation Guidance FY
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED15 UNCLASSIFIED Defense Planning & Programming Guidance (DPPG) Formerly the Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF) Establishes DoD’s force development and resource priorities needed to meet future contingencies Consolidates and integrates force development planning priorities into a single overarching document and replaces guidance previously promulgated through the Strategic Planning Guidance, Transformation Planning Guidance, Global Defense Posture, and Science and Technology priorities Provides SECDEF guidance to inform development of the POM Informed by the QDR (NDS) and NMS Status: –FY13-17 DPPG signed by SecDef on 29 August 2011 DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED16 UNCLASSIFIED Title 10 U.S.C 153 requires annual CJCS assessment of strategic & military risks associated with executing National Military Strategy (NMS) If Chairman’s risk assessment is significant or greater, the Secretary shall include with the report…the Secretary’s plan for mitigating the risk. CRA informed by Comprehensive Joint Assessment (CJA) survey from COCOMs/Svc Chiefs, Joint Combat Capability Assessments (JCCA), Global Force Management (GFM), and Joint Strategy Review (JSR) Chairman’s Risk Assessment (CRA) DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED17 UNCLASSIFIED Joint Strategy Review (JSR) The Joint Strategy Review (JSR) is the Joint Staff process that supports the Chairman’s statutory assessment, advisory, and directive activities. Every two years it produces a formal report focused on the long-term strategic environment. It does this by performing the following tasks: –Assesses the overall strategic environment over time (20 yrs) Key conditions, trends, & variables (Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, etc) Strategic Challenges for U.S. Interests (WMD, Instability, Powerful States, etc) –Derives national security implications –Derives supporting national military implications and objectives –Provides draft military strategy recommendations/options Findings inform most directly the Chairman’s Risk Assessment (CRA) / Biennial NMS Review – NMS Development. In “off years”, the JSR Process incorporates numerous data sources to update shared understanding of the strategic environment. Additionally the J5 conducts targeted independent studies on items of interest. These annual studies act as a “refresh cycle” for the formal report. The Director, Strategic Plans & Policy (J5) oversees the development of the formal report DIRECT EXECUTE ASSESS ADVISE Strategy Process
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED18 UNCLASSIFIEDTake-Aways Interagency decision-making process is both deliberative (ideal) & dynamic (reality) Existing process & documents provide strategic direction
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED19 UNCLASSIFIED Questions?
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED20 UNCLASSIFIED UCP Map of the World
Deliberative document. Draft working papers, not subject to FOIA release. UNCLASSIFIED21 UNCLASSIFIED JSPS & Strategic Planning Schedule FY10 - FY13 FYDPFYDP IPL CJA 2 nd Qtr 3 rd Qtr 4 th Qtr Year #1 Fiscal Year 13 Year #2 Fiscal Year 10 Year #3 Fiscal Year 11 Year #4 Fiscal Year 12 1 st Qtr 2 nd Qtr3 rd Qtr4 th Qtr 1 st Qtr 2 nd Qtr3 rd Qtr4 th Qtr 1 st Qtr 2 nd Qtr3 rd Qtr4 th Qtr 1 st Qtr Elect- ion NSSNSS FYDPFYDP PBPB NMS JSCP QD R DPPGDPPG UCPUCP Service CoCom JSR 11 QDR JSR 10 CPACPA CR A CP R NMS JSCP Service Plans JSR PBPB UCPUCP PBPB PBPB QDR CJA DPPGDPPG DPPGDPPG CP A CR A CP R CPACPA CR A CP R CPACPA CR A CP R POM Build POMPOM POMPOM POMPOM POMPOM FYDPFYDP NSSNSS FYDPFYDP NDS?NDS? DPPGDPPG GEFGEF GEFGEF FY11 GFMAP GFMIG FY13 GFMAP GFMIG QR & M CG AFG New CJCS NMS? QDR Prep QR&M FY 12 GFMAP FY14 GFMAP CENTCOMCENTCOM EUCOMEUCOM NORTHCOMNORTHCOM PACOMPACOM SOUTHCOMSOUTHCOM AFRICOMAFRICOM TCPs