1 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 Agenda GICT_ , Standardization of Global Green Mobile Charger, Prof. Pandey, IIIT-A ITU Climate Change Activity, Malcolm Johnson, ITU-T FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) green activity, Prashant Mathur New version of TRs: –GISFI_GICT_ , TR GICT.102 – (making ICT green), Yani, NEC –GISFI_GICT_ , TR GICT.103 – (using ICT to make other sectors green), Yani, NEC GICT_ , ECR-VLI measurement procedure, Sanaka Peda Yanaiah, NEC Measurement: –WID –GICT_ , GSM Voice Models for EE Measurements – An Update, Mini Vasudevan, Ericsson GISFI_GICT_ , Greening the Agriculture sector by ICT, Sanaka Peda Yanaiah, NEC
GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , Green ICT: Agenda and Decisions Company:NEC Corporation Author(s):GISFI Green ICT chair Contact Purpose:Discussion and Approval
3 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 Few Points of GISFI#6 Report 1/2 All members are requested to provide comments on new input (MS Word Track Changes) to TR GICT.102 (GISFI_GICT_ TR- GICT.102v080 Study on Potential enhancements of ICT) and TR GICT.103 (GISFI_GICT_ TR-GICT.103v080 Study on usage of ICT to make other sectors green) with the following deadlines: –Comments: Mon., November 14, 2011 –Modification based on comment: Wed., November 16, 2011 –Comments on modification: Mon., November 21, 2011 –Final version: Tue., November 22, 2011 –Comment will be accepted only on new changes. If comments are not resolved then that part will be removed and rest of the changes will be accepted in a new version of the TR. Action 1: Ericsson will provide comments on energy efficiency measurement metrics WID (GISFI_GICT_ ) with the deadline as given above. Ericsson volunteered to be a rapporteur for metrics and measurement methods for RAN
4 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 Few Points of GISFI#6 Report 2/2 GISFI_GICT_ TR GICT.105v100 Study on Measurements and Metrics of Green ICT was made available for comments until the next meeting GISFI_GICT_ OPEX calculation based on energy efficiency of Telecom equipment in Indian Scenario, NEC –Action 2: GISFI provide input to TEC regarding ECR calculation methods for Green Passport program. Support is needed. VNL has volunteered GISFI_GICT_ Global Green Energy Mobile Charger, IIIT-A –Product design or specification cannot be standardized –GISFI can look at standardization of charger interface. –IIIT-A should refer GSMA / ETSI work on universal charger –Standardization could be done on universal green charger where the interface to the green energy sources could be standardized by GISFI –Action 3: IIIT-A is requested to discuss the topic for standardization with other members and come with a work item description in the next GISFI meeting GISFI_GICT_ LS on “Thanking ATIS for Sharing ATIS Documents”
5 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 Decisions based on GISFI#6 Following 3 TRs can be published: –TR GICT.102: GISFI_GICT_ TR- GICT.102v080 Study on Potential enhancements of ICT –TR GICT.103: GISFI_GICT_ TR- GICT.103v080 Study on usage of ICT to make other sectors green –TR GICT.105: GISFI_GICT_ TR GICT.105v100 Study on Measurements and Metrics of Green ICT was made available for comments until the next meeting New version GISFI_GICT_ with all figures re-drawn
6 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 Other Actions Create liaison with other bodies –ITU-T SG5 on measurement activities: Inform what we are doing and request for exchange of information –FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) green activity –Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) –Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) Department of Telecommunications (DoT)
7 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#7, , 2011 New Version of TRs GICT GISFI_GICT_ (making ICT green) GICT GISFI_GICT_ (using ICT to make other sectors green) Changes in the above 2 documents: –Some new text based on literature survey and –Editorial modification Action: Members are requested to review and give comments on the above 2 TRs. Schedule is given below: –Comments: Mon., January 23, 2012 –Modification based on comment: Wed., February 1, 2012 –Comments on modification: Mon., February 13, 2012 –Final version: Wed., February 15, 2012 –Comment will be accepted only on new changes. If comments are not resolved then that part will be removed and rest of the changes will be accepted in a new version of the TR