Title I, Part A Preparing for Federal Program Monitoring Chris McLaughlin Virginia Department of Education Office of Program Administration and Accountability July 2015 Coordinators’ Academy
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Agenda for Today’s Session
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Session Goals/Objectives To develop a broader understanding of the monitoring protocol elements to enhance student achievement To gain an understanding of what documents are needed to ensure program compliance and improved academic achievement
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Cycle
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Three-Year Cycle
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Three-Year Cycle
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Process VDOE Process
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring Process Protocol Document Review Evidence Collection & Sharing System Enhance Capacity for Systemic Processes Self Monitor & Request VDOE Assistance FPM Participation & Response to Recommendations/ Findings Division Process
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring: Protocol Document Where can I find the FPM protocol document?
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring: Protocol Document
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring: Protocol Document
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Federal Program Monitoring: Evidence Collection Establish self-monitoring system to include collection and review of all elements annually Review protocol document annually Request clarification on any items from VDOE Title I, Part A, specialist Establish electronic filing system to mirror protocol document Assign areas of responsibility among several staff involved in the implementation of the program Establish timelines and procedures for collection of evidence
2015 Coordinators’ Academy FPM Summary Number of Divisions Monitored Title I, Part A, Title I, Part D, Title III Number of Divisions: No Findings Number of Division: Findings Total Findings
2015 Coordinators’ Academy FPM Summary Federal Program AreaArea of ImprovementFrequency Title I 2.1c (Instructional Support – Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraprofessionals) 16 Title I 2.3a (Parental Involvement Policies) 2 Title I 2.3e (Convene Annual Meeting) 2 Title I2.7a (Student Selection Criteria) 1
2015 Coordinators’ Academy FPM Summary Federal Program AreaArea of ImprovementFrequency Title I 3.1a (Fiduciary: Reallocation of funds) 3 Title I 3.2a (Fiduciary: local application review) 2 Title I 3.3e (Proper Distribution of Funds) 1 Title I 3.4b (Fiduciary: Comparability) 1 Title III2.4b (Parental Notifications) 1
2015 Coordinators’ Academy FPM: Technical Assistance Areas of Note Fiduciary Allocations to Schools Salaries (Time and Effort) Inventory Parent Involvement
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Title I, Part A, Funding: Allocations to Schools
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Title I, Part A, Funding: Allocations to Schools
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Sample Worksheet Sample Division OC 1000OC 2000OC 3000OC 4000OC 5000OC 6000Total School A$81,518$22,101$ - $103,619 School B$137,114$32,522$19,000$ - $417$189,053 School C$169,006$48,040$465$ - $19,234$236,745 School D$142,565$33,070$1,300$ - $8,000$184,935
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Fiduciary: Personnel Does the school division allocation process ensure the proper distribution of Title I, Part A, funds? Division set-aside for allocable personnel only Positions for allocable personnel only Time and Effort Documentation Semi-annual Certification Form Personal Activity Report Principal Attestation Form
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Fiduciary: Inventory Does the school division adhere to the procedures for maintaining equipment and materials purchased with Title I, Part A, funds? Budget Reimbursements Inventory records Disposition of Title I inventory records Procurement policies
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Fiduciary: Parent Involvement Does the school division reserve the required amount of its Title I, Part A, allocation for parent involvement? How does the division document the one percent division set-aside? How does the division distribute the required 95 percent of the one percent to the eligible schools? If allocation is not used during fiscal year, it must be carried over and added to the following year’s required reservation. Reservation is required if division’s award is at least $500,000.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Parent Involvement Does the school division implement an array of initiatives to successfully engage parents in the educational program while documenting the protocol guiding questions? Building Parent Capacity Parent Right-To-Know Parent Policy/Compact Planning Annual Meeting Evaluation of Program Implementation and Parent Involvement
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Tips for Success "The only way around is through." - Robert Frost Establish systems and procedures for self- monitoring on a regular basis. Ensure that the system includes a chart delineating tasks, persons responsible, and timeline. Focus on results, not just compliance.
2015 Coordinators’ Academy VDOE Contact Information: Title I, Part A, Specialists Regions III, VI, and VII Gabie Frazier Regions II, IV, and VIII Chris McLaughlin Regions I and V Shyla Vesitis
2015 Coordinators’ Academy VDOE Contact Information: Title I, Part A, Coordinator Dr. Lynn Sodat, Title I, Part A, Coordinator VDOE Title I, Part A, staff contact information, including specialists’ assigned divisions, is posted on the VDOE Web site: rt_a/index.shtml rt_a/index.shtml
2015 Coordinators’ Academy Questions?