Monitoring of Annual Work Plan, DMIS, Disaster and Pandemic Plans and much more!! Ha Noi, 16 April
Objectives of the meeting 1. Monitoring of DMWP 2009 workplan (first quarter) 2. Follow up of core issues: DMIS and Disaster Plans (clusters): steps forward. 3. Disaster funding mechanisms 4. Member’s udpates 2
Agenda of the meeting (1/2) 1. Monitoring of the implementation of 2009 workplan – attached- (15 min.) 2. DMIS: follow up after last meeting -4 March- (10 min.) 3. Disaster and Pandemic response plans: steps forward (10 min.) 4. Cluster approach: follow up (5 min.) 5. Some disaster funding mechanisms: Flash Appeal and Central Emergency Response Fund (10 min.) 3
Agenda of the meeting (2/2) 6. Other issues (20 min.) 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 4
2009 Annual Work Plan Activities planned for QW1 and QW2: Monthly meetings: OK DRM-CC tools and guidelines: ??? Cluster standards: in progress Disaster Information Tools: in progress Training on legal preparedness: OK Policy advocacy: in progress Sphere standards: to be planned in May Disaster and Pandemic Plans: in progress 5
Disaster Management Information Systems (DMIS) (1/2) Objective: Efficient, suitable and standardized disaster management information systems in Vietnam Action points (ad hoc meeting on 4 th March): Revise and comment the report produced by the WB consultant; Revise DANA 1: lessons learned and obstacles encountered; 6
Disaster Management Information Systems (DMIS) (2/2) Action points (ad hoc meeting on 4 th March): Pilot assessment in two provinces to understand better how DIMS currently work (one province with DANA being utilized); Coordination meeting with WB / NDMP / UN / DMC / DMWG to be organized by NDMP Call for another meeting at earliest convenience; ToR for DIMS consultants to be circulated by WB. 7
Disaster and Pandemic response plans Objective: Harmonized Disaster and Pandemic Response Plans and support to GoV in their preparation Action points (ad hoc meeting on 18 th March): DMWG to support CCFSC/NDMP to draft the National disaster and Pandemic response Plan for Viet Nam: how?? DMWG members to harmonize existing disaster and pandemic response plans: documents to be shared by 23 April to DMWG chair to kick off discussion Funding mapping: what would be the resource available in your organization in case of major disaster and what kind of support would you expect from DMWG and or funding organizations? Pandemic to be mainstreamed in all disaster plans: consensus? 8
Cluster Approach: update Applicability study prepared in Nov. and approved in Dec Qw1 preparation and QW2 first cluster meetings: Livelihoods: FAO + (others?) ToRs available Early recovery: UNDP + WB ToRs available WASH: UNICEF+Oxfam+Samaritan+PCG 10 ToRs available Camp Coordination and Mngt: IOM + UNDP ToRs available Educations: UNICEF + Save the Children ToRs??? Health: WHO + (others?) ToRs??? Emergency shelter, telcomm, logistics, nutrition, IDPs ??? 9
Cluster approach: next steps 1. Identify clusters to be in stand by: logistics? 2. Organize meetings of all selected clusters 3. Final revision of ToRs by all members (including HQ) 4. Cluster co-lead to identify national cluster lead 5. Implementation of preparedness activities 10
Disaster funding mechanisms (some) Flash Appeal: What is it? Tool to coordinate humanitarian response 3-6 months Who does what? UN + all humanitarian actors. No GoV What is the duration? 6 days after the disaster in Relief Web. Projects up to 6 months Central Emergency Response Fund: UN fund: donor Seed funds for live-saving activities Annual budget: USD450M (15-20% of Flash Appeal) 11
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 12
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 13
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 14
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 15
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 16
Other important issues: 6.1. Global Distance Learning Network (GDLN) Seminar: next session on CBDRM 6.2 JANI update 6.3 Links between DMWG and Climate Change WG 6.4 SPHERE standards 6.5 IFRC training and consultation on legal preparedness 6.6 Vietnamese delegation to UN ISDR Global Platform in Geneva (June 09) 17