UPDATE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOI MILESTONES Focus on milestone 1, 2 and 5 (6,9) Health Partnership Group, 2 rd December 2010 International Cooperation Department, MoH 1
Outline 2 1. Updates the progress of Milestone implementation 2. Other HPG Secretariat activities 3. HPG work plan 2011 and vision to 2015
Final matrix and manual sent to DPs 4 In 2010, HPG has finalize the final version of the matrix regarding content, structure, and format and Manual after several consultancy phases with experts, and DPs MoH leaders directly guide the discussions and the official version of the matrix was approved at the HPG 3 dated 23th September 2010 Final matrix sent to DPs for information and data collection and 28 DPs provided the information This is on-going exercise and we welcome more contributions from DPs This is a tool that connects closely with the implementation of the five year plan
Key results 6 Consultancy team has produced the draft report of the study As planned, the TA workshop to be organized in However, after consulted with agencies and DPs, the workshop will be forwarded to the beginning of 2011 in order to: -More preparations for the contents of TA -Draft report is revising and get inputs from DPs -Field visits to local provinces with TA activities to examine the advantages, disadvantages, and needs to have more contribution to TA workshop -DPs with experiences with TA will contribute more ideas and inputs based on their practical activities -Linkages with the implementation of the five year health plan
HPG organization HPG is regarded to be one of the most positive forum in aid effectiveness HPG Secretariat is stabilize in terms of human resource and working mechanism: to work with experienced expert to develop and finalize the funding mechanism for HPG 8
Linkages At the national level: Closely connect with and effective contribute to AEF activities in aids; Link with other groups such as to be chair of the PCG, co-chair of PAHI, participate in the Global Fund and HIV/AIDS At the international level: participate in IHP+ and JANS process on five year health plan At the local level: link, share, and disseminate HPG activities to local levels via alternative activities such as field trips, lobby at conferences/meetings 9
Technical working groups in health 10 Guidance note and official letter on the creation of the TWGs was approved by VM Nguyen Thi Kim Tien and sent to Departments and agencies under MoH and DPs to study and to prepare the proposals Positive feedbacks and concerns from various departments To formalize the establishments of Reproductive Health Affinity Group (RHAG)
Technical working groups in health 11 To support departments to develop the proposals and TOR to establish TWGs (for instance, Enhancing the capacity of environment protections of health agencies; Evidences of impacts of climate changes in health…) Start-up supports for TWGs: administration procedures, proposals and TORs comments and suggestions, kick-off meetings facilitation Facilitate the following implementation of TWGs
Milestones 6 and 9: Transparency, accuracy and timeliness of information provided by DPs, alignment of support with five year health plan 12
Progress 13 These milestones will be completed in 2011, based on: Result of exercise on milestone 1 (process and content) Five year health plan Draft TORs prepared by HPG Secretariat for milestone 6, currently under internal review To need inputs and contributions both technically and financially of the DPs and other departments
14 Other HPG Secretariat activities
Fieldtrips to provincial levels 15 To promote understandings between DPs, local provinces and HOG To identify the gap for IC interventions and collecting the input to the international cooperation strategy and plan on aid management and coordination at provinces To set up the official network with IC focal points in the sectors, including aid effectiveness To promote the productive, pro-active of local provinces in IC To well-inform provinces of the HPG activities to enhance the participation of provinces to HPG and to strengthen their voices and contributions To bring HPG closed to local provinces by piloting the provincial HPG
ICD and HPG websites 16 Supplying company: Netnam, IT consultant HPG secretariat to develop the structure, contents to provide to supplier in English and Vietnamese Programming, existed documents upload, mechanism to update the sites regularly: communication officer to be in charge of from December 2010 Address: To develop ICD and HPG leaflets in English and Vietnamese to introduce with DPs and local levels ICD and HPG activities
HPG work plan 2011 and vision to
Opportunities Strong political willing and commitment and closely direct the promotion of aid effectiveness Better coordination and networking among sub-national levels and line ministries on health issues Active and effective supports from the international community, especially the development partners such as WHO, GTZ, Unicef, EC, UNFPA, PEPFAR Strong resource mobilization of heath aid among macro and micro levels and from international aids
Challenges HPG is a huge forum with wide sector approaches that may be difficult to coordinate and adjust interests and benefits Different development partners with different philosophy of funding mechanism, timing, monitoring and evaluation, which may be difficult to allocate fund and process the activities HPG performance depends on MoH leaders’ and development partners’ schedules, subsequently it is hard to well foreseen the dates for meetings New context of international cooperation and integration (i.e. SEDP of , five year health plan, MIC status, and etc)
Main Area 1 – Implementation of the Milestones in the SOI TA for the implementation of Milestone 6 and 9 Review of transparency, accuracy and timeliness of financial information provided by partners Assessment of the degree to which partner support is aligned with the 5 year plan and associated annual plan Facilitate the establishment and implementation of some TWGs Legalize and run Technical Working Groups under the HPG and maintain a strong linkage with other partnership in Health. 20
Main Area 2 –Workshop, conferences, and trainings Regular results-oriented policy dialogues take place between officials of MOH that are responsible for formulation of health policy, and donor representatives that are responsible for formulation of foreign-funded programs and projects. Facilitate smooth organization of four HPG meetings, and promote participation of a wide range of stakeholder in health 21
Main Area 3 – Capacity building for aid coordination and mobilization Study visits in foreign countries for lessons learnt and sharing experiences Field trips to provinces to identify the current situation and needs of international cooperation and aid from provincial levels Support and facilitate vertical sectors to participate/to organize training courses on international cooperation in aid effectiveness, coordination skills base on needs Support TWGs to conduct workshops and conferences workshops on the aid mobilization and coordination at some main prioritized areas 22
Main Area 4 – Information collation and dissemination for networking improvement HPG website regular reports and briefings to ensure regular and timely dissemination to all interested stakeholders of relevant materials and information linked with HPG Strengthen the HPG secretariat (Contract a coordinator, CO, administrator for the HPG) Support to publications on aid effectiveness in health sector Support to strengthen the link between the HPG with the Aid Effectiveness Forum and other relevant forums 23
Main area 5: Technical Assistance Financing gap analysis for the five year health plan (comparing total resources available-ie internal and external, and total NEEDS, or cost of implementing the plan Data collection for the matrix of donors to health Review of SOI implementation and Establishment of new Milestones, Development of the Strategic framework for International Cooperation in Development of funding mechanism for HPG and revised TOR for HPG Development of the prioritized spending framework to allocate all resource available of DPs and direction for aid coordination mobilization, management and utilization for 24
Main area 6: Policy research, gap analysis and action plans Create and pilot a model of aid coordination of 1-2 provinces for better coordination of external aid at provincial level (first step to support provincial HPG) Evaluation of the implementation of IHP+ in Vietnam: lessons learnt from the national and sub-national levels and recommendations for the future Development of Annual Progress report of the HPG implementation Study on the role and participation of local NGOs and civil society/organization in managing external aid in health sector together with the government (MoH). Assessment of status quo of IC activities and health aid priorities and needs upon the five year plan Policy-oriented studies in health sector 25
HPG work plan 2011 and vision to 2015 To call for continued technical and financial contributions from DPs to implement the work plan in order to enhance the HPG as the official policy forum for developing reliable partnership, mobilizing and effectively coordinating external aid for the heath sector in line with the sector priorities. Thank you for your attention!