Urgent Care Programme Board- Community Pharmacy Pilot. Kent LPC-Working in Partnership with Eastern And Coastal Kent PCT
Background Urgent care review by the Healthcare Commission (Review of Urgent and Emergency Care Services 2007/8) “Urgent Care Centre” Community pharmacy clearly falls into this category Any patient accessing unscheduled care receives the same standards of information from any provider. Test the need for urgent care community pharmacy services.
Needs Assessment Availability of community pharmacy services The need to assess the demand for urgent treatment from community pharmacy, as a means of relieving pressure on existing services (A and E). The need for unscheduled care from community pharmacy, to address perceived and actual patient needs, outside of normal office hours as well as within. Assess the need for access to pharmacy services, integration with other services and the provision of services to treat minor ailments when local general practitioners are not available.
Pilot and Aims The aim of the pilot is: To make more accessible the services of community pharmacies as an urgent care provider To set up local demand specific services within the nominated pharmacies to meet the urgent care demand To liaise with Emergency Out of Hours providers so as to redirect some of their calls more appropriately To reduce pressure on secondary care
Pilot Model The pharmacies selected and why Target times of operation Challenges facing the pharmacy contractors
Marketing and Data Collection Information on extended availability of services circulated to colleague organisations in the area and Nationally Notices will be displayed in a variety of settings -youth centres, mother and toddler playgroups, midwife clinics, doctors’ surgeries, church groups, etc. Data collection will be via audit questionnaires HIS to help resource survey data analysis
Budgets Guestimated Outline Costs (Full Business Case detailed in Pilot Plan) £ Set up costs Additional staff hours Training and development 1240 Project management Travel 1110 Administration 240 Marketing 1300 Miscellaneous 1324 Total 9914
Governance and Risks/ Benefits Financial: Fiduciary: Risks:
Outcomes and Measures Numbers of patients referred to or from the community pharmacy and by whom. Numbers by ailments category. Reductions in attendances at A and E by patients who instead use their community pharmacy. The sale of counter medicines. Referrals to community pharmacy from SE Health/NHS Direct. Referrals from the pharmacist direct to A and E. Evidence of improved patient experience