Experts Bologne Journée thématique « Labels et reconnaissance académique » Bruxelles, 24 mars 2011
Matinée: Labels ECTS et DS Appel 2011
Rappel des documents utiles SD ECTS Procédure de sélection
Supplément au diplôme Deadline 15 may 2011 (as per postmark) One complete original version of the application (and all annexes) duly signed by the Legal Representative of the applicant organisation and two identical copies (with annexes) + one electronic copy of this application form only is to be sent to the National Agency's address to arrive no later than 15 May Documents required: certified copies of 4 Diploma Supplements : Issued by the applicant institution in 2009, 2010 or 2011 (up to 15 May 2011). Certification is to be given by means of one official stamp, signature of the authorised person of the institution and date of the applicant institution (per each DS copy provided). Common pitfalls (see application form) Common pitfalls
ECTS Deadline 15 may 2011 (as per postmark) One complete original version of the application (and all annexes) duly signed by the Legal Representative of the applicant organisation and two identical copies (with annexes) + one electronic copy of this application form only is to be sent to the National Agency's address to arrive no later than 15 May Documents required: –Course catalogue in English ((all practical and study-programme related information on the web) –Student exchange documentation (3 incoming/3outgoing students) Common pitfalls (see application form) Common pitfalls
Procédure de sélection The deadline for submission of applications is 15 May Applicants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from Agency. After 15 May 2011, the selection procedure will be organised in two stages, as follows: (1) eligibility check and first assessment by the National Agency (2) pre-selected applications submitted to European panel of independent experts for screening followed by final decision by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Publication of final results is expected by December The list of successful applicants will be published by EACEA at