Welcome Rotary Club Secretaries and Treasurers
Introductions Name. How many years a Rotarian. Rotary Club you are from. How many members in your club. Secretary or Treasurer? (Previously held office or new?) Anything else you would like to tell us!
Responsibilities Club Secretary Maintain Membership Records Record Attendance at meetings Report monthly attendance to the district following the last meeting of the month. Send out notices of meetings of the club, board and committees. Record and preserve minutes of the club.
Make required reports to RI these include: Semiannual reports of membership due July 1 and January 1 which can also can be made through Member Access. Council on Legislation dues (due July 1) Insurance charges Subscriptions to The Rotarian Magazine Changes in membership - may be submitted any time through Member Access. Responsibilities Club Secretary
Responsibilities Club Treasurer Managing all club funds and maintaining accounts of them Receiving and disbursing funds Preparing financial reports Help to develop the budget Work with fundraising committee Work with Foundation committee
Resources Rotary International Web Site District 6250 Web Site Manual of Procedure Rotary 2007 ($8.00) The ABC’s of Rotary ($3.50) Rotary Basics ($0.75) Your club’s By-Laws Your club’s Policies Club Secretary’s Manual (includes Club Treasurer Section) ($3.00) Networking!!
Club Software RICAS-Rotary International Club Administrative Software Several Programs available – (handout) La Crosse Club uses ClubRunner and QuickBooks Online
Attendance Report to District Report monthly attendance to the district following the last meeting of the month. (by the 15 th of the month) ClubRunner Month End Report – (handout) Send report to:
Attendance Roster on District Site
Semiannual Dues Invoice Invoice you receive from RI – Estimate January invoice = January thru June July invoice = July thru December Invoice is calculated on actual membership data a week prior to the issuing date. You will need to adjust the number of members as necessary and recalculate the invoice amount. Even if your club updates membership online, a copy of the filled out and signed Semi-Annual Report worksheet form must be submitted to RI Data Services.
District 6250 Dues Statement Statement District Dues = Members X $28.00 PETS Registration = $ per person* Billed to Clubs in July – Due 30 days of receipt. Club Presidents-Elect approved the budget during the PETS in March Dues are based on the membership reported to the DISTRICT as of June 30, PETS assessment is a mandatory payment to support this training. President-Elect is REQUIRED to participate according to the Manual of Procedures of Rotary International. *You may send to PETS others in line for Club President at $ per person.
Save the date! You are invited to La Crosse to welcome our new District Governor Dean Dickinson. Thursday, June 25 th Evening Event Pettibone Park Gazebo More details coming!!!