Reading Instructor: Yuyen Chang 此簡報可能會牽涉到聽眾的討論 活動,也就是所謂的執行項目。 因此在進行簡報時﹐可充份利用 PowerPoint 來記錄這些執行項 目: 於投影片放映狀態按下滑鼠右鍵 選取〔會議記錄簿〕 選取〔執行項目〕 標籤 將出現的意見都記錄於此 按下〔確定〕以結束此對話方塊 在簡報進行到最後時 ﹐ PowerPoint 將會自動的建立一 個執行項目投影片﹐並將你所記 錄的內容顯示在該投影片上
If any question Information about homework and handouts: – yen/index.htm yen/index.htm – yen/2r2003.htm yen/2r2003.htm
Weekly Syllabus 10. Introduction and Orientation/ “Sonnet to Science” 11. “The Signs of Life” by Helena Curtis and N. Sue Barnes / “What Is a Book?”
Great Thinkers 12. “Idols of the Mind” by Francis Bacon [selection from Bacon’s essays] 13. “The Universe and Dr. Einstein” by Lincoln Barnett [popular scientific writing]
A Special Presentation 14. “Reflections: Reading Practice, Intellectual History, and Critical Judgment” [presented by the instructor/ The related power-point files are available.]
Brainstorming via dialogues 15. “The Medical Lessons of History” by Thomas Lewis [magazine article] 16. “The Breakthroughs in Medicine” by James McConnell [a response to Lewis’s commentary]
Reflections: A Movie and Final Exam 17. Extreme Measures [DVD collection in Chang Gung University Library] 18. Final Exam [Vocabulary, Q &A and one short essay]
Grading Policy: Attendance + Participation 10% Short Oral Reports and/ or Quizzes 20% Final Exam20% Final Exam
Be cautious! Don’t cut any class. [One AWOL= -10/ one AWL= -5] Don’t cut any class. [One AWOL= -10/ one AWL= -5] A WL= absence with official permit A WL= absence with official permit AWOL= absence without leave; away from position without permission. AWOL= absence without leave; away from position without permission.
Classroom manners Please turn off your mobile phones or beepers before the class starts. Please turn off your mobile phones or beepers before the class starts. Don’t eat, drink, smoke, telephone, or sleep in class. Don’t eat, drink, smoke, telephone, or sleep in class.
Important! Don’t prepare other subjects (calculus, physics, biology and so on) in English Reading class. [Study other subjects =AWOL] Don’t prepare other subjects (calculus, physics, biology and so on) in English Reading class. [Study other subjects =AWOL] Don’t miss any test or quiz. Under no circumstance will the make-up tests be given. Don’t miss any test or quiz. Under no circumstance will the make-up tests be given.
This is an English class! Do have your handouts and an English- English dictionary every class. Do have your handouts and an English- English dictionary every class. Do practice English in English class. Do practice English in English class.
Further Reading: (Books Reserved in Chang Gung University Library) ( 1 ) 書名:一個細胞的告白 生物醫學 家湯姆斯的物種思想手記 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Thomas Lewis 出版者:先覺 ISBN/ 年代: / :3 89
2 ( 2 ) 書名: The Youngest Science: Notes of a Medicine-Watcher 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Thomas Lewis 出版者: New York Bantam ISBN/ 年代: / 1983 Q147 T
3 ( 3 ) 書名: The Lasker Awards: Four Decades of Scientific Medical Progress 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Thomas Lewis 出版者: New York Raven Press ISBN/ 年代: / 1986 W20.5 T
4 ( 4 ) 書名: The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Thomas Lewis 出版者: New York Penguin Books ISBN/ 年代: / 1978 QH501 T
5 (5 ) 書名: Francis Bacon 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Francis Bacon 出版者: Oxford University Press ISBN/ 年代: / 1996 PR2205 V
6 ( 6 ) 書名: The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Steven Pinker 出版者: Viking ISBN/ 年代: / 2002 BF341 P
7 ( 7 ) 書名: Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Harold Bloom 出版者: Warner Books ISBN/ 年代: / 2002 BF412 B
8 (8 ) 書名: How to Read and Why 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Harold Bloom 出版者: New York Touchstone Books ISBN/ 年代: / 2001 PN83 B
9 (9) 書名: Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein's Letters to and from Children 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Albert Einstein 出版者: Prometheus Books ISBN/ 年代: / 2002 QC16.E5 A4 2002
10 (10) 書名: The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception 作者 ( 姓, 名 ) : Michel Foucault 出版者: New York Pantheon Books ISBN/ 年代: / 1973 WZ59 F
Thank you for your cooperation and participation! Reading (Fall 2003)