The building “East gate Centre” was designed to use passive cooling. Passive cooling works by cooling in the day and venting at night. It was biomimetically modeled on local Termite mounds. First building in the world to use natural cooling to the level of advanced.
Animal= Termites A private complex of vents and tunnels On the outside there is an opening that leads to the vents The air travels to involve the heat from the Termites and rises
They eat= Cellulose in various forms as plant fiber What eats them= Ants, Monkeys Habitat= Termites like to live, and feed in moist wood Termite mounds are built out of dirt from the grass lands
Completed 1990 On Robert Mugabe Avenue Martin Lasher studied the nests created by the termites In the 1960’s He developed the connection between how the mounds are built and how air was ventilated throughout them
Eastgate Centre only uses 10% of the energy that other building would use to cool themselves
Kingdom=Animalia Phylum=Apthropoda Class=Insecta Order=Isoptera
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