Enlightenment & REVOLUTION!! Unit 6
Age of Enlightenment (Early 1700s)
Beliefs of The Enlightenment Using Reason Solves ALL Problems Focus on Changing/Improving Gov’t –Anti-Religion, Humanist
Thomas Hobbes Book: Leviathan Only a POWERFUL Gov’t Can Provide Order People are Naturally Cruel & Selfish
John Locke Book: Two Treaties of Government All People Have NATURAL RIGHTS –Life –Liberty –Property –OVERTHROW Bad Government
Montesquieu Book: The Spirit of Laws Divide Gov’t Into Executive, Judicial, & Legislative – Checks & Balances
Adam Smith Book: The Wealth of Nations Wants LAISSEZ FAIRE Economy –Gov’t Leaves Economy ALONE
Others Roussau –People Are Corrupted by SOCIETY –Book: Social Contract Wollstoncraft –Woman’s Equality Diderot –End of Slavery/Education for All
Other Aspects of the Enlightenment Enlightenment Authors Wanted a Democratically Elected Gov’t Catholic Church Banned Books by Authors and Imprisoned Them Absolute Monarchs Who Wanted Change Were “Enlightened Monarchs” –Frederick & Catherine the Great
Rise of Democracy
The King’s Advisors Great Britain Became a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY –Kingdom w/ Rules King Had to Listen to a Group of Advisors Called The CABINET Led by a PRIME MINISTER
American Revolution
Anger in America Former English in America Felt Their Rights Were Protected By MAGNA CARTA British Sent Troops to America; Violence Led to BOSTON MASSACRE American’s Protested Over Taxes (BOSTON TEA PARTY)
American Action Formed CONTINENTAL CONGRESS –First Independent American Government DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE –Written by Thomas Jefferson Against British Control of America –“Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness”
American Revolutionary War Fought British in America Because Americans Were Taxed w/o Being Represented BATTLE OF YORKTOWN (1781) –Ended War w/ American Victory
American Independence Treaty of Paris (1783) –U.S. Becomes Independent Nation –Ally w/ France Helped U.S. Win
Poster Assignment Make a Poster Advertising Either For or Against American Independence from Britain Include Reason Why You Chose Side Have a Clear Picture Representing Opinion
The French Revolution
The Three Estates French Society was Divided Into THREE ESTATES Under the King: –First: Clergy (Pastors, Priests, etc) –Second: Nobles (Wealthy, Landowners) –Third: Everyone Else Estates General was France’s Parliament or Congress –Against King’s Power
Problems in France The Government Was Broke –Spent to Much on Wars & Luxuries King Louis Called the Estates General Into Session (Make Decisions) –First Time in 175 Years –Needed Them to Raise Taxes
French Constitution Once In Session, Estates General Writes NEW Constitution (1789) –For “Life, Equality, Fraternity” Similar to American Constitution in Same Year
Rebellion Begins King Louis XIV Begins Oppressing & Attacking the Estates General –Anger at New Constitution French Citizens in Paris ATTACK the King’s Fort, The BASTILLE for Weapons –Begins French Revolution
Storming of the Bastille
Revolution’s Results France Formed a National Assembly –Took Property from Catholic Church to Pay Off Debts King Louis XIV & Wife Marie Antoinette Tried to Escape to Germany –Were Caught, Arrested, EXECUTED
Reign of Terror Max Robespierre NEW Head of French Gov’t Treated Enemies of Revolution as Traitors Use of Guillotine –Executed People like King Louis XIV –Killed Over 40,000 in Paris Alone
The Guillotine
Napoleon Bonaparte General in the French Army Took Control of France (1789) –Made It a World Power SHORT, Charismatic, In Love (w/ Josephine)
Supported By Everyone French Catholics –Gave Them Religious Freedom Peasants –Allowed Them to Keep Lands Stolen from Nobles and Church
Napoleonic Wars Tried to Conquer the World; Europe 1st Victories –Italy –Germany Defeats –Trafalgar (to England) –Russia (TOO Cold; Only 2.5% Army Survived) –Waterloo (LAST Defeat)
Napoleon’s Legacy Napoleon Abdicates After Losing, Exiled to the Island Elba Returns, but is Exiled Again to Island in South Atlantic, Dies Sold Louisiana to the United States to Pay for Wars –Doubled the Size of the U.S.
Even MORE Revolution
Congress of Vienna Leaders in Europe Met to Discuss Europe’s Future Balanced Power Amongst the European Countries; Equal Power Replaced Governments in Other Countries Back to MONARCHIES
Causes of Other French Revolutions Revolution of 1830 –Charles X Tried to Make Himself an ABSOLUTE MONARCH Revolution of 1848 –Louis Philippe's Corrupt Gov’t –Recession –Rise in Bread Prices
Latin American Revolutions
Haiti First Latin American Country to Rebel –Inspired by French & American –Leader Toussaint L’Overture JUST Like Napoleon Violent, Bloody Slave Rebellion Against Masters Made First Independent Black Nation in the Americas
Haitian Revolution
Rebellion Against Spanish Mexico –Led by Agustin de Iturbide –Became Emperor Briefly Peru –Led by Tupac Amaru II
Revolutionaries Simon Bolivar –Independence of: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, & Bolivia Jose de San Martin –Independence of: Argentina & Chile
Brazil PEACEFUL Independence Gained from Portugal Portuguese King Gave Son to Rule Brazil Independently