Problem SolvingAppreciative inquiry Felt need, identification of problem(s) Appreciating, valuing the Best of What Is Analysis of CausesEnvisioning what might be Analysis of possible solutionsDialoguing what should be Action Planning (treatment)Innovating, what will be
Think Positively! The power of the right question – points to remember The person who sets the question sets the direction and has the power of a change agent. Images of the future are powerful. We can only move in the direction of what we can imagine. Human systems want to move in a positive direction (like plants seeking the sun). Positive questions and feedback create energy — like the sun, they literally make it more possible to live and to grow. It is important to name and claim what’s working as well as what needs work. This is a trustworthy foundation on which to build. Finding innovative ways of creating a desired future Negative images and conversations weaken us mentally and physically; positive images strengthen us and what we can accomplish. Positive communication is essential to mental and community health and requires practice. We are surrounded by negative vocabulary. We can choose to replace it with affirmative communication and community affirmation.
Appreciative Inquiry “4-D” Cycle DISCOVER Our changing world Organizational or community Positive Core Opportunity context DREAM Articulation of Vision & Future We Want DESIGN Principles Provocative Propositions Ideals DESTINY Initiatives Pilots Improvisation
DISCOVER Choose one challenge. Find someone from your own association/country or from an NSO and interview each other for 10 minutes each about what works in what you are doing in your field Find key words
DISCOVER – Questions for inspiration You have choosen a theme that you want to explore. What are you doing that already works in this area? 1.What is the high point story of helping create a better community in the area you choose? 2.What difference were your committee/NSO able to make? 3.What else contributed in an important way to enabling you to do your best work here? (e.g. … management, co-workers, professional development opportunities, corporate strategy, clients, other context and structures)? 4.Which objectives do you feel you have succeeded in meeting? 5.What did you do especially well that enabled those successes? 6.What difference were you able to make? 7.Why did it matter to you? 8.What did you learn about your strengths and gifts/the strengths and gifts of your NSO/A? 9.Who else was involved and what did they contribute? 10.What community assets were resources in making the change happen?
DREAM Meet the other participants from your country/similar countries. Share the highlights of your successtories about what works. Imagine a time in the future when people look to Scouting as an exceptional example of a thriving, attractive community where scouts of all ages engage as leaders and see themselves as owners of the community’s future in the area you choose. What is the story told in the news when you are being interviewed about this in 2025? Write the headline and the keypoints on a flip. In this exciting future, how are scouts engaged in making the change? What is true of the scouts? What is sustaining their dedication? What kinds of systems and structures are most encouraging this? What is your role in this? What has contributed to the change from 2015 till now? What are you most proud of having helped the community accomplish
DESIGN This is about making the link between your successtories and the desired future. What specific new objectives do you want to set to inspire your best contribution over the coming year? What additional skills or support do you need to enable you to meet these objectives? What sort of learning opportunities here or within your country would make you keen to go there and bring others (of multiple generations) with you? Why does working together across NSO/As make sense and in which areas? What sorts of activities at in the region or locally could strengthen community and communication and make scouting an even stronger player in your community
DESTINY The first step… Name three things that you could bring into focus that might inspire you toward making your dream an reality… What is one step you know you can take now to demonstrate your commitment? How would you like to be involved in the design and planning of the plans? Who else should be involved? Whom else would you recommend that we speak with about this and why?