1 ECE7397 MEMS, NEMS, and NanoDevices Review of Essential Electrical, Thermal, and Mechanical Concepts
2 Versatility of MEMS MEMS, because they rely on various material properties, facilitate measurements of parameters describing many phenomena/processes in science and engineering. Physical dimensions: Length, depth, and roughness Temperature Pressure Mass Force Friction Electrical Resistance Thermal conductivity Stress and Strain and many others. Selection of appropriate materials for specific actuator mechanism is critically important in MEMS designs and fabrication.
3 Phenomena provided by various materials to ensure the best actuation Thermal Expansion Themoresistance Thermal conductivity Electrical Electrostatic Piezoelectric Piezoresistance Optical Photovoltaic Radiation/absorption Mechanical Strain/stress Hardness and stiffness Magnetic Hall effect, magneroresistance Magneto-optics Biological Electrical and biochemical effects Chemical
4 Thermal conductivity of various materials Kovacs
5 Thermal properties of more materials Kovacs
6 Consequences and utilization of the thermal expansion differences
7 Mechanical properties added as useful in MEMS Peterson
8 Semiconductor Si as a MEMS material Four valence electrons Covalent bonding: no free electrons at 0K P-type dopants N-type dopants similarly: Ge and Compound (III-V, II-VI) semiconductors Plummer
9 Basic Properties of Silicon Silicon in microelecronics Single Crystal PolycrystallineAmorphous and in MEMS periodicsmall crystalsno long range arrangements order between of atomsatoms Crystal lattice is described by a unit cell with a base vector (distance between atoms) Types of unit cells Face Centered CubeBody Centered Cube Plummer
10 Silicon Crystal Structure Diamond lattice (Si, Ge, GaAs) Two interpenetrating FCC structures shifted by a/4 in all three directions All atoms in both FCCs Atoms inside one FCC come from the second lattice Diamond covalent bonding (100) Si for devices (111) Si not used - oxide charges Plummer
11 Intrinsic=Undoped Semiconductor Electron and hole generation occur at elevated temperature (above 0K). n=p Energy Band Gap determines the intrinsic carrier concentration. n i E gGe < E gSi < E gGaAs Plummer
12 Electrical Properties of Semicondutors Explained by a Band Model and Bond Model n=p Intrinsic (Undoped) Silicon Energy Gap T>0K Plummer
13 Band structure of crystalline Si E g [eV] is Bandgap Indirect semiconductor EcEc EvEv EgEg
15 N- and p-type semiconductor N-typep-type Plummer
16 Electrical Properties of Semicondutors Explained by a Band Model and Bond Model n-type Silicon doped with As Very small ionization energies E D and E A n=N As Plummer
17 Distribution of Free Carries (electrons and holes) Obeys Pauli Exclusion Principle Intrinsic Semiconductorn-type Semiconductorp=type Semiconductor Conduction Band Valence Band Fermi level is the energy at which the probability of finding an electron F(E) is 0.5 below E i above E i p=N a n=N d Fermi Dirac probability function: Plummer
18 Energy Band Dependence on Temperature Larger temperature weakens the bonding between atoms causing the band gap energy (energy needed to free e-h pairs) to decrease E G (eV)= x10 -4 T 2 /(T+636) ≈ (3x10 -4 )T Plummer
19 Dopant Ionization n n >>p n n i ≈p i n-type semiconductor intrinsic semiconductor n i =1.45x10 10 cm -3 at RT (300K) Selected Thermo-resistors will rely on this effect Plummer
20 Measurements of semiconductor properties Conductivity Type Plummer
21 Conductivity determined by carrier concentrations and mobility Conductivity and Resistivity Mobility depends on carrier scattering: lattice vibration (µ with T) defects (µ with density) doping (µ with concentrations) Resistivity
22 Resistivity as a Function of Dopant Concentration =1/(qµ n n+qµ p p) µ carrier mobility depends on scattering e.i. dopants, lattice imperfections (defects) andvibration (temperature) Plummer
23 W t L Concept of Sheet Resistance of doped layers. s [ /sq.] 4 point probe or van der Pauw ResistivitySheet resistance Sheet resistance in an important parameter both in electron devices ex: in MOSFETs R contact + R source + R ext < 10% R chen s but keep x j small to avoid DIBL (conflicting requirements and in MEMS Plummer
24 Measurements of sheet resistance Resistivity Plummer
25 Spreading Resistance R(x) (x) n(x) Compare with C(x) from SIMS to get dopant activation. (information on defects, clusters etc.) 8’- 34’ From Wolf, VLSi Era Plummer
26 Spreading resistance temperature sensors n- Si Single probe used to induce current flow in n-type Si r0r0 Resistance measurements is at r 0 where a second probe (contact is located). A(r) Such sensors are widely used (flow sensors etc) cheap but not very accurate.
27 Thermo-resistors (thermistors) Semiconductors (n&p ) and some oxides (“electron- hopping ) show decrease in R T Metals (more carrier scattering) and other oxides (phase transformation, potential barrier at grain boundaries changes also related to polarization changes) show increase in R T with T R(T) T R <0 R >0 Temperature affects resistance in: Both types have wide applications in MEMS Kovacs
28 Thermoelectric effect in semiconductors or Peltier effect Electric current generates a heat flux i.e. cools or warms-up selected regions. Thermal conductivity will counteract i.e. will decrease the Peltier effect. So use materials with high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity. Current Bismuth R.B. Darling
29 Hall Effect Measurement Plummer
30 Optical Sensors and Actuators Crystalline semiconductors are used for these applications Kovacs
31 Devices for Optical Actuation Kovacs
32 Recombination of Carriers in Silicon Si is an indirect semiconductor so indirect recombination (Shockley-Read-Hall) occurs through traps located in the mid-gap intrinsic Si n-type Si; a trap (below E F ) is always filled with electron=majority carrier and waits for a minority hole. R =1/ v th N t lifetime capture cross section thermal velocity, and traps Plummer
33 Semiconductor Devices Diodes Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOS FET)
34 Semiconductor Technology Families First circuits were based on BJT as a switch because MOS circuits limitations related to large oxide charges isolation BL n-p-n
35 Semiconductor Devices Reverse biased diodeForward biased diode p-n Diodes after Kano, Sem. Dev. Thermal behavior of a diode (or transistor operating as a diode) used to measure very temperature accurately. in forward bias conditions V f decreases with T but in reverse bias conditions V R may decrease or increase with T depending on a mechanism of breakdown
36 MOS Capacitors and Transistors Electrical Measurements MOS Capacitors are widely used in MEMS Capacitance-voltage method Charge Density accumulator depletion Inversion Equilibrium conditions. ac signal Plummer
37 CV Measurements Low frequency (~1Hz), high frequency (100Khz – 11) AC signals used for C-V Measurements.) Q I follows Q G C =C OX X D = X Dmax Q D fixed X D > X Dmax Holes generated in the D.L and attracted by the gate source the DL when |V G | increases To avoid deep depletion*: High frequency AC signal changes faster, then Q I can respond (generation is slow) * Plummer
38 Bipolar Transistors E-B junction is forward biased=injects minority carriers to the base Base (electrically neutral) is responsible for electron transport via diffusion (or drift also if the build in electric field exist) to collector C-B diode is reverse biased and collects transported carries V BE >0 V BC <0 I E =I En +I Ep IC=IEIC=IE <1 I B =I Ep +I rec IEIE ICIC IBIB
39 Bipolar Junction Transistors n-p-n Integrated circuit BJT p-n-p Individual device
40 Bipolar Junction Transistors minority carriers Injected electrons Extracted electrons holes Forwards biasReverse bias
41 Bipolar Junction Transistors Currents’ Components small
42 Bipolar Junction Transistors Forward Operation Mode Early Effect Early Voltage
43 Bipolar Junction Transistors Breakdown Voltages Common Base Common Emitter Collector-Base junction
44 Bipolar Junction Transistors Current Gain = Gummel Plot Kirk Effect Recombination in the E-B SCR I C /I B
45 Bipolar Junction Transistors and a Switch Schottky Diode used in n-p-n BJTs for faster speed
46 MOS Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET) NMOS and PMOS (used in CMOS circuits) V G >V T to create strong inversion depletion Oxide
47 Operation of NMOS-FET Linear Region, Low V D Saturation Region, Channel Starts to Pinch-Off Saturation Region, channel shortens beyond pinch-off, L’<L
48 Operation of MOS-FET I D (V D ) Channel-Length-Modulation (Shorten by L) I D =k p [(V G -V T )V D -V D 2 /2 Device transconductance k p =µ n C ox W/L larger for NMOS than PMOS In CMOS for compensation use W p >W n
49 Scaled Down NMOS DIBL Proximity of the drain depletion layer charge sharing DIBL
50 Modern MOS Transistors Gate LDD LDD used to reduce the electric field in the drain depletion region and hot carrier effects Self aligned contacts decrease the resistance isolation DrainSource