Chaos, Communication and Consciousness Module PH19510 Lecture 8 Entering the Transistor Age.


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Presentation transcript:

Chaos, Communication and Consciousness Module PH19510 Lecture 8 Entering the Transistor Age

Overview Metals, Insulators & Semiconductors The junction diode The bipolar transistor Planar Processing

Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors Metals  Overlap of valence & conduction bands   empty states for electrons to move into   conduction Insulators  Large gap between valence & conduction bands   No free states   No conduction Semiconductors (Silicon, Germanium, GaAs etc)  Small gap between valence & conduction bands   Some free states   some conduction – depends on impurities, temperature etc.

Column IIIB, IVB & VB Column IIIB  B, Al …  3 electrons in outer shell Column IVB  C, Si, Ge …  4 electrons in outer shell  Diamond like crystal Column VB  N, P, As …  5 electrons in outer shell

Crystal structure of Silicon Diamond like Tetrahedral bonds Hard Brittle

Intrinsic Semiconductor 2D representation of crystal lattice Semiconductor All electrons paired Valence band filled No-conduction

n-Type Semiconductor Electron donor impurity Column V (As, P) Low concentration ≈1:10 8 Add ‘free’ electron Electron Movement  conduction As

p-Type Semiconductor Electron acceptor impurity Column III (Boron) Low concentration ≈1:10 8 Add ‘hole’ Hole Movement  conduction B

pn Junction n-type & p-type  junction Spare electrons from n- type fill holes in p-type  depletion region n-type –ve  depletion region shrinks  forward bias (conduction) n-type +ve  depletion region grows  reverse bias (no conduction) np np -ve+ve np -ve +ve

Point contact PNP junction First Transistor 1947 Brattain, Bardeen & Shockley Ge p p n

NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor Emitter at ground +ve voltage on collector Collector-Base reverse biased  no current Apply +ve voltage on base Electrons pulled from emitter into base Collector base depletion region shrinks  many electrons flow from Emitter to Collector Amplification n n p Collector Base Emitter

Shockley and Silicon Valley 1955  Shockely leaves Bell  Forms Shockley Semiconductor in Palo Alto, CA  12 keen young engineers  ‘Difficult’ management style 1957  Staff leave (The Traitorous 8) & form Fairchild Semiconductor

From Germanium to Silicon Germanium rare but easier to refine Silicon Common  25.7% of earth crust Electric Arc refining Silicon forms stable oxide Better electrical and mechanical properties

Refining Pure material crystallises first from melt Impurities left behind

Printing Transistors on Silicon Planar process developed at Fairchild Possible to dope n-type so it becomes p- type and vice versa Use of Silicon Dioxide (SiO 2 ) as mask for processing

Planar Transistors n-Substrate Grow Oxide Pattern & etch oxide Diffuse p-dopant Grow Oxide Pattern & etch oxide Diffuse n-dopant Grow Oxide Pattern & etch oxide Metal Contacts n CollectorBaseEmitter Vertical Transistor

Review of Lecture 8 Metals, Insulators & Semiconductors The junction diode The bipolar transistor Planar Processing

References Where to go for more Information htm US Patent Intel Education programme Principles of semiconductor devices ece- The Britney Spears guide to Semiconductor Physics -