Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS project dr Andrzej Beben Telecommunication Network Technology Group Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
© EuQoS consortium Slide 2 27 October, 2015 Outline Introduction Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS MMS tools for trials MMS supporting EuQoS system functions Conclusions
© EuQoS consortium Slide 3 27 October, 2015 Introduction (1) EuQoS Project: “End-to-End Quality of Service Over Heterogeneous Networks” EU FP6 IST Integrated project with over 25 organisations www. euqos.euwww. Objective: to develop solution for providing strict end-to-end QoS in multi-domain, heterogeneous network (build over WiFi, xDSL, UMTS, LAN, IP core) Approach: to define an architecture, following DiffServ and NGN, that allows to control the network and enforce QoS required for traffic flows generated by users Main components: signalling system allows users to setup/release QoS connections on demand end-to-end Classes of Service (CoS) that provide adequate QoS for different types of traffic, e.g. Telephony, RT Interactive, Multimedia Streaming, High Throughput Data, Low Latency Data, Standard Monitoring and Measurement System (MMS) that support EuQoS system functions: CAC, TERO, OAM
© EuQoS consortium Slide 4 27 October, 2015 Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS (1) performing trials of EuQoS system in testbed: to prove that EuQoS Classes of Service provide adequate QoS guarantees to evaluate the performance of EuQoS system (signalling, resource provisioning, etc.) supporting EuQoS system functions: Call Admission Control (CAC) to make CAC algorithm less preventive (Measurement Based Admission Control) to provide information about available QoS routing paths Traffic Engineering and Resource Optimization (TERO) to provide data for resource provisioning and optimization Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) to on-line monitor QoS offered by CoSs to perform Network Anomaly Detection MMS includes tools for:
© EuQoS consortium Slide 5 27 October, 2015 MMS tools for trials Problems with tools for evaluation of Classes of Services There is a number of tools for measuring QoS parameters, but they do not address QoS objectives of CoSs: incompatible definition of QoS parameters, like IPTD, IPDV, IPLR, throughput traffic models used in generators do not correspond to traffic profiles assumed by Classes of Services, e.g. Multimedia streaming, Real Time interactive, etc. Traffic models of aggregated streams carried by Classes of Services are missed, e.g. aggregated Multimedia streaming, Real Time interactive There is lack of methods and tools for QoE (Quality of Experience) assessment for emerging applications, e.g. on-line games Problems with tools for evaluation signalling system Limited number of tools, if any (especially tools giving insight into signalling process) No standard for metrics and methodology for IP Call level traffic models should be specified for different types of applications (CoSs) RM – Resource Manager RA – Resource Allocator AQ SSN – QoS Signalling and Service Negotiation AS – Autonomous System Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS (2)
© EuQoS consortium Slide 6 27 October, 2015 Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS (3) MMS for supporting EuQoS system functions Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) on-line monitoring of QoS offered by CoSs requires: a method/tool for on-line measuring of QoS parameters between each pair of domain ingress and egress points. (scalability!!) each point where CAC is performed should be loaded up to AC limit -> supplementary traffic generators cooperating with a resource reservation system are needed. Network Anomaly Detection should be oriented on traffic carried inside CoSs Connection Admission Control Measurements Based AC (MBAC) is aimed to make CAC less preventive there are some methods for streaming traffic, e.g. Hoeffding bounds, methods for elastic traffic are also needed problems with methods/tools for measuring traffic load on high speed links and in short time scale call setup proceeding requires information about availability of QoS paths (routing). tools for routing acquisition are needed (especially inter-domain). Traffic Engineering and Resource Optimisation (TERO) traffic matrix estimation for each CoS monitoring of overprovisioning ?
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