Here comes your footer STATISTICS 3.48 crore prospective voters in the age group of years out of the total crore. Page 2 WHAT MAKES YOUR VOTE MATTER??? As per the data of the State Election Department, more than 50 per of the voters that is around 6.06 crore are people in the age group of years. As per the data compiled by the department, 3.48 crore voters are in the age-group of 18-29, whereas another 3.12 crore electorates are between years of age. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer Page 3 Age District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer Page 4 “Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody “. FRANKLIN P. ADAMS District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer WHY YOUTH PARTICIPATION? Page 5 Electoral volatility and the extent of negative vote swings have increased. Young voters support parties and leaders who deliver results and promise a better life. Young voters break the traditional caste and community barriers Young voters are fiercely patriotic and have a strong emotional quotient. Issues like nationalism and regional pride appeal to them much strongly than they do for the older adults. Youth think more rationally and have wider vision as they are the educated lot. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer Page 6 Informed choice Promote marginalized groups Watchdogs of democracy. Free and fair elections. Citizen charter are part of campaign agenda Responsive and accountable government. To understand the electoral process and their rights Common platform for media, NGO and govt. agencies To take election beyond caste politics, religion etc to development oriented politics. WHY PARTICIPATION OF YOUTH IS IMPORTANT? District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer Page 7 ELECTRONIC MEDIA: publicity Use of local cable channels to promote awareness. Local t.v. channel : interviews of respected citizens and the administrative officers. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer District Meerut (U.P.) USE OF PRESS Page 8 Newspaper coverage:
Here comes your footer Page 9 TARGET IDENTIFICATION: Drop-boxes (for collection of form no. 6)placed at one place and a help desk established. Inauguration by commissioner meerut and Distt. Magistrate meerut. Teacher nominated worked as the resource person. Mostly in inter colleges, senior secondary schools, degree colleges and ITIs. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer MISSION MODE CAMPAIGNING Page 10 USE OF POSTERS: District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer MISSION MODE CAMPAIGNING Page 11 USE OF POSTERS: District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer....continued Duties and responsibilities To operate cameras Regular feedback Page 12 TRAINING SUPPORT TO BLO (Booth Level Officer) District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Page 13 District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer PLAN FOR FUTURE Page 14 Popular websites and search engines like yahoo and google and popular social networking sites like facebook, twitter and orkut can help reach the IT savvy youth. To start or sponser a quiz program as a serial for few episodes on local cable TV channel Sustained campaigns for involvement of youth through skits and street plays, puppet shows, rallies, slogan writing and painting competition. To establish information kiosks with the help of advertisement agencies. To hold elections in colleges and universities on the same pattern and with similar code of conduct. To involve various NGOS and CBOs to familiarize the students with the larger politics and electoral process. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer RECOMMENDATIONS Page 15 Link with UID(Universal Identification Cards) The subject of basic political science to be added to the curriculum The students to be involved as micro observers in future. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer Page 16 Continuous exercise. To assess or to evaluate with the help of exit interviews with voters or questionnaires so as to plan a better future. District Meerut (U.P.)
Here comes your footer THANK YOU….. Page 17 District Meerut (U.P.)