Objectives: To allow students the chance to research concepts/issues in recreational reading in order to gain background knowledge before beginning the novel. Procedures: Follow the links and have the students discover the information.
Tangerine...You Gotta Read It
In the novel you are venturing into today, there are many issues that will peak your interest.
Lightning Fatalities He was actually LUCKY!
Muck Fires
Use the following information to gain insight and learn about some of the happenings in the novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor. The answers aren't always going to be on the exact page the link brings you to, so you may have to search around a bit. You know, use that brain of yours! :) Be sure to record your answers on your own paper.
If you use a site that is not Listed here, you must list the URL address of the site. Task Once you have finished this task, you should have more knowledge about the following things: Edward Bloor Tangerine, Florida Lightning Fatalities Sinkholes Muck Fires You should have answers to 20 questions when you are finished. Each answer must be in complete sentences...which means at least a subject, verb, capital letter, and a period!!!
Process Read the article and interview with Edward Bloor, author of Tangerine (URL listed below) What was his inspiration for Tangerine? 1. Why would Edward Bloor have a good feel for middle school students? In other words, what experience does he have that helps him have insight into the middle school mind? 3. What did Chris Williams from St. Petersburg like about Tangerine?
Enter the city/state name "Tangerine, Florida" into the blanks to see a map of Florida. 4. Where is Tangerine, FL located? North, east, south or west? 5. Name six lakes close to Tangerine. Use the URL link below to answer the following questions.
6. How much would it cost to purchase 32 lbs. of Sunburst Tangerines? Use the URL link below to answer the following question.
7.Which state had the highest number of lightning fatalities from ? 8. Which state had the least? 9. If you were attending an Organized Outdoor Athletic Event, and you feel your hair standing on end and/or hear a "crackling noise," what must be happening? Click on each link and answer the question that follows.
Watch the following videos (very short), then continue on your quest.
10.How do sinkholes develop? 11. Where does most sinkhole damage occur?
For these three questions, you will need to find the information through your own search: 12. What is a sinkhole? 13. If you're a Floridian and a sinkhole opens on your property, who ya'gonna call? (List three places you should contact.) 14. If you're building a new home in Florida, will it be tested for sinkholes? Why/Why not?
15. Why are sinkholes a part of Trussville, AL history?
16.What causes muck fires, according to this article? 17.What three things provided the perfect conditions for the muck fire? 18.Besides smelling really bad, what other inconveniences did this muck fire cause? 19.Why did they have to close the local interstate highway? 20. When did this muck fire occur?
21. What is the most interesting thing you have learned from this webquest ?