BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS; What you need to know They are bacteria and viruses present in all human body fluids. They can cause HIV, hepatitis and other nasties,


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Presentation transcript:

BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS; What you need to know They are bacteria and viruses present in all human body fluids. They can cause HIV, hepatitis and other nasties, through unprotected contact. Always wear gloves if there is any chance of contact. Avoid any contact if you have open cuts or skin irritations. If you do come in contact, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water. Clean up the area with bleach or other approved cleaner..

Blood Borne Pathogens, cont’d. Any incident must be reported to a supervisor immediately, and an incident report filled out. All gloves and cleanup material need to be disposed of in a plastic bag and marked biohazard, and call Village Services for disposal.

H1N1 Virus Protection Unless you plan to live in a remote mountain cabin this winter, with no human contact ( in which case you would not be teaching for us), you need to know how to reduce the likelihood that you might get H1N1 flu. –Get a flu shot for H1N1. –Wash your hands. –If you have to cough, cough into your elbow, not on your hands. –Wash your hands. –If you feel sick, stay home. If you feel sick for a couple of days, see a Doctor. –Wash your hands. –Take care of yourself, get enough rest and good nutrition, including hydration. –Did I say wash your hands?

DEALING WITH DISRUPTIVE SITUATIONS A disruptive Guest is usually a disappointed Guest who has been pushed over the edge, and creates a problem for him/her self, for us, and for other Guests. What should YOU do in a difficult situation? Take a deep breath. Take the Guest to a more private location. Call for help, if necessary. Use L.A.S.T.

L.A.S.T. L isten to the Guest. A pologize for the problem S olve the problem. T hank the guest. Above all, control your own anger and avoid ANY physical contact of ANY kind.

The best action is to try to anticipate that a problem may be building and defuse it before it gets disruptive. Usually, the Guest feels offended, ignored, insulted,embarrassed. Or disrespected. How do you react when YOU feel that way? If you listen and observe how people act when they come to SSU, you can spot the people who are stressed, and give them extra attention. DON’T let the Guest get YOU upset!

The same principals apply in our workplace relationships Smugglers’ Notch is committed to providing a non- violent and harassment free workplace. Sexual harassment and worker violence are designated “CRITICAL POLICIES” and any conduct that violates these policies will not be tolerated. Any non- complying conduct should be reported to your supervisor immediately, and, if you are not satisfied with the result, contact the 3 Member Critical Policy Committee chaired by Tom Davis.

Any threat should be reported. Any suspicious activity or individuals should be reported. Any report should be to either your supervisor or to Smugglers Security (ext.1199).

What is sexual harassment? It can be verbal or physical conduct. It occurs in the eyes of the person who is the target of the conduct. Submission or rejection of the conduct can be used as a component of employment decisions. The conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment