The Immune System
Your immune system is very important to us! Without your immune system, you would be SICK all of the time!
The immune system defends our body against INFECTION What can cause an infection?
The organisms that cause infection are called Pathogens There are many types of pathogens. Let’s take a look at them!
Bacteria We find bacteria lots of places!
Here are some diseases and illnesses caused by bacteria. Ear infections Strep throat Food poisoning Lyme disease
A virus is a non-living particle that invades a living cell. Viruses are like little aliens that invade and takeover living things! Viruses
Here are some diseases and illnesses caused by viruses. The flu and colds Chicken pox Hepatitis AIDS
The fungi we are talking about is a germ that lives on our skin. Usually it does not harm us, but sometimes it can cause a FUNGAL INFECTION Fungus
Here are some diseases and illnesses caused by fungus. Ringworm Athlete’s Foot
Nail Fungus
Protists Protists can be small organisms that can cause serious illnesses.
Here are some diseases and illnesses caused by protists. Malaria African Sleeping Sickness Amebic dysentery
How do these pathogens spread?
Infected People
Physically coming into contact with an infected person can spread certain illnesses.
Coming into contact with droplets released through coughing and sneezing can also spread certain illnesses.
Soil, Food and Water
Consuming contaminated food and water can cause lots of illnesses. Salmonella bacteria found in raw eggs and chicken can cause food poisoning.
Contaminated Objects
Some illnesses can be spread through contact with dried body fluids on a surface. For example, let’s say a friend with a cold virus sneezes into their hands. Then they continue to write with their pencil. The droplets from the sneeze in their hands has now been spread onto the pencil. You ask to borrow the pencil. The sneeze droplets are now on your hands from the pencil. You touch your mouth, nose or eyes. The pathogen has entered your body!
Infected Animals
Mosquitoes can carry the West Nile virus and malaria. Mammals like raccoons can carry the rabies virus. Some illnesses can be transmitted from an infected animal to a person. Ticks can carry Lyme disease.
Feeling Scared? Your IMMUNE SYSTEM does a really great job at protecting you! DON’T BE!
Your immune system has several lines of against these pathogens!
Skin The oil and sweat in our skin can kill many pathogens. Also, pathogens have a difficult time finding their way through our skin!
Mucus The slimy mucus found in your nose and respiratory system can trap pathogens that you breathe in. Coughing and sneezing gets these pathogens out before they can cause an infection!
Stomach Acids The acid in our stomach, that helps to digest food, can actually kill bacteria found on our food!
But what happens when those lines of defense fail and the pathogen gets into our blood?
White Blood Cells Come to the rescue!
White blood cells are special disease fighting cells. Some white blood cells even disable pathogens by eating them!
Other white blood cells will remember what it took to kill a pathogen. That way, if the pathogen should invade again, the white blood cells can kill it off without you even knowing it!
Spleen Your spleen is an organ found on your left side between your stomach and diaphragm. It has two jobs: to recycle red blood cells and to filter bacteria from our blood!
Your immune system can be HELPED!
Antibiotics If a bacteria invades your body and you get sick, antibiotics can kill the bacteria!
Antibiotics will ONLY help infections caused by bacteria! So if you have the flu or a cold, antibiotics will NOT help you!
VACCINATIONS ALL of you have had vaccinations before, but you know them better as SHOTS! OUCH!
How do vaccinations work? When you get a shot, you are injected with a dead or weakened form of the virus. Your body starts to attack this invader and quickly learns how to win the battle.
If you ever come into contact with the same virus again, your body will remember how to beat it and win! You will NEVER get sick from the same virus twice. Vaccinations build your IMMUNITY!
What can you do to also help out your immune system
2. Avoid contact with infected individuals- people and animals!
3. Get your vaccinations or shots!
4. Cook foods until they are well done!
5. Avoid touching “dirty” objects!
6. Keep yourself physically fit!
Watch how easily germs can spread!
Thanks to our immune system, our bodies can stay as healthy as possible!