The Rural Early Literacy Initiative Effective Professional Development for Rural Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers Steve Amendum Marnie Ginsberg Lynne Vernon-Feagans Rural Early Literacy Initiative
Overview Purpose and rationale Targeted Reading Intervention –TRI Model –TRI components Professional development mechanisms
Purpose The purpose of this study is to improve the teaching strategies of rural kindergarten and first grade teachers in the areas of literacy and behavior management, with a specific focus on children who have been identified as struggling learners.
Why focus on literacy and behavior? Reading becomes the foundation for subsequent academic learning (Snow, Burns & Griffin; Vernon-Feagans, 1996) Research and teacher reports suggest that children’s behavior can facilitate or hamper learning (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000).
Why focus on struggling learners? Struggling learners are usually the ones that do not make expected progress (Pianta, 2001; Meisels, 2001) This emphasis on struggling learners has been highlighted through disaggregated data mandated by NCLB Teachers report these struggling learners are the children who have the least success in learning and behavior. Teachers often attribute poor learning by students on the children’s behavior and/or their home situation.
Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) Targeting instructional match in every interaction…
Targeted Reading Intervention Intensive, assessment-driven reading instruction given by the classroom teacher to struggling students, initially one-on-one and transitioning to small groups, on a daily basis to rapidly accelerate students’ reading achievement
TRI Mission To coach K-1 teachers –to acquire essential knowledge of early reading development and efficient instructional strategies; –to develop skills in matching instruction to assessment; and –to apply these knowledge sources and skills particularly for the benefit of struggling readers.
The Targeted Reading Intervention Model
Our vision for a teacher’s year TRI instruction –For one struggling reader –15 minutes –4 times per week Collaboration with consultants –TRI consultant & school consultant –Bi-weekly visits/sharing about TRI –Weekly K-1 or grade-level 30 minute meetings –Monthly 2-hour workshops on related PD topic
TRI Framework Re-Reading for Fluency (~2+ minutes) Word Work (~8+ minutes) Guided Oral Reading (~5+ minutes) TRI Extensions
TRI Framework Re-Reading for Fluency (~2+ minutes) TRI Extensions
TRI Framework Word Work (~8+ Minutes) TRI Extensions
TRI: Primary Word Work Strategies –Segmenting Words –Change One Sound –Read, Write, & Say –Pocket Phrases Word Work (~8+ minutes)
Word Work Example: Change One Sound
TRI Framework Guided Oral Reading (~5+ minutes) TRI Extensions
How does TRI benefit struggling readers? Individualized instruction within meaningful contexts An established research and theoretical base Ongoing assessment-based instruction Acceleration of literacy learning
How Do Teachers Learn the TRI?
Essential Personnel TRI personnel –A K-1 TRI Consultant for each school Site-based personnel –Superintendent –District Curriculum Coordinator –Principal –A K-1 School Consultant –K-1 Classroom Teachers –K-1 Teaching Assistants
Professional Development Mechanisms Summer Institute Weekly 30-minute, grade level meetings Monthly workshops Videos of teachers, guides, and materials TRI consultant visits
Summer Institute Teachers will learn –how to link efficient instruction with assessment –essential elements of reading development –how and when to use essential strategies –why intensive instruction is worth it –why repetition across the day is worth it
Weekly Grade-Level Meetings To link assessment data with efficient instruction To repeat and extend content from the summer institute To problem-solve collaboratively To ensure participation and fidelity
Ongoing Workshops To build relationships across K-1 To extend the TRI content knowledge and skills on a specific timeline To link assessment data with efficient instruction To provide a video model of teachers using the TRI or practices for TRI Extensions To provide opportunity for school to receive coaching from TRI Consultant, in person, via conference call, or via web cam
Final Thoughts Targeted Reading Intervention Involving Essential Personnel Professional Development
One Teacher’s Experience…