Teacher Evaluation Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher Evaluation Wednesday, July 24, :30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

VISION West Virginia will have a comprehensive and equitable evaluation system that clearly articulates, measures, rewards, and develops educator effectiveness.

House Bill 4236 House Bill 4236 (2012 Legislative Session) established a new system of performance evaluations that is based on the 2011 – 2012 pilot Provided for phased-in implementation, expanding in each county in the 2012 – 2013 school year, and all schools in 2013 – 2014 school year.

Policy 5310 Currently on public comment for the second time IMPACT I. Personalized assessments of professional personnel A. Self-reflections B. Comprehensive performance standards II. Data A. Improvement of professional development activities B. Making better informed personnel decisions

Key Differences Standards and rubrics define expectations. Observations are reduced. All teachers are evaluated. Teachers play a more active role. Student learning is considered.

New Evaluation Timeline 2011 – 2012 Approximately 25 pilot schools 2012 – 2013Demonstration Schools (2 per county) 2013 – 2014Statewide Implementation

Four Performance Levels Distinguished Accomplished Emerging Unsatisfactory Evaluation System for Teachers Advanced Progression 6+ years Intermediate Progression 4-5 years Initial Progression 1-3 years

Matt’s s Administrators, Please consider this as a reminder to make comments against the new Policy If you made them once, go ahead and make them again. We need to make sure people understand that CTE teachers should never be held accountable for WesTest scores. The deadline for comments is Monday, May 13. Information is included below. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks, Matt Matthew Call

Current Revision to Policy b. Five (5) percent of the evaluation shall be based on student growth measured by the school-wide score on the state summative assessment. For educators assigned to schools for which a student growth score based on the state summative assessment in not available, the school shall determine an alternative measure for determining the five (5) percent school growth score. Both the measure and the growth calculation shall be approved by the WV Department of Education.

MOVTI’s (2012 – 2013) Researched the internet and talked with school psychologist/ assessment “experts” Two possibilities: 1. TABE (Pretest and Postest) 2. Utilize the results of the WorKeys

WIN Began the 2012 – 2013 school year by leveling the students that were identified as potential completers of our CTE programs using WIN Career Readiness Courseware to establish baseline or an initial level of a measurable quantity to be used for comparison with the student’s performances on the WorkKeys standardized test during the spring of the school year in Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and Locating Information.

Average Levels of Increase NUMBER TESTED 234 completers (2012 – 2013) 219 students (used for data purposes) Reading for Information Applied Mathematics Locating Information Overall Gain by Levels Overall Gain by Percentage 125%39%48%

MOVTI Average Scores

Lessons Learned during the Demonstration Year Begin early working on WVEIS WOW access with log-on id and password (administrators and teachers) Work with your RESA and WVDE technology specialist. Have instructors write down log on id / password for future reference. Cut and paste learning goals and long passages

Lessons Learned (Continued) One of the teacher learning goals should support the administrator’s learning goal As the administrator, be aware of the rubrics and standards for teacher conferences For teacher conferences, plan to spend longer than 10 – 15 minutes with each instructor if possible

Lessons Learned (Continued) Convince teachers that it is OK to be EMERGING – you will find your better teachers rate themselves low and your less than stellar teachers rate themselves high during their self-reflections During the summative end-of-the-year conference – be honest and use the rubrics

Lessons Learned (Continued) Professional development may need to target a better understanding of terms and phrases from the standards (Examples: formative assessment, balanced assessment, research based teaching strategies, collaboration, scaffolding)

Lessons Learned (Continued) Development of Student Learning Goals – spend time discussing goals with your teachers (SMART, two data points, rigorous, comparable). Discuss possible areas with your teachers and monitor progress. Most of these goals will be less than a semester in length – keep a chart with expected ending dates.

Lessons Learned (Continued) The School Climate Survey alone may not serve your data needs Distinguished – evidence needs to be observable during the school year. Discuss evidence you will be looking for at your meeting prior to November. Timelines – don’t procrastinate – develop and keep a schedule