Does study abroad work? Do people’s FL skills improve when they go abroad? Read this and you tell me: Why do only 65% of study abroad students improve?
Why not???? Culture, i.e. lack of cultural sensitivity Martinsen, Van deBerg et. al., Wilkinson MartinsenWilkinson Time on task, class in TL, Host family, Van deBerg et. al., Wilkinson Self identity, threatened or strengthened Pelegrino and Aveni Pelegrino and Aveni Classroom interaction patterns Wilkinson Social Networks Isabelli Isabelli MartinsenMartinsen, Wilkinson Pelegrino and Aveni Isabelli Wilkinson Pelegrino and Aveni Isabelli
Van deBerg et al. say…. Time on task, i.e. longer programs better, time with host family, classes in TL Culture knowledge pre program Gender, Girls do a bit better
Martinsen - Methodology/Design Quantitative – Measuring Gains Non-experimental Gains, Relationships, Prediction Back
Methodology/Participants 45 university students Spent six weeks in Argentina Stayed with Argentine host families Took approximately 6 credits
Methodology/Instruments Pre and Post test of Oral Language Skills: 1.Two tasks from Texas Oral Proficiency Test 2.Students ’ responses recorded 3.Rated by native speakers using the following rubric:
Methodology/Instruments cont.- Oral Language Skills Rubric
Methodology/Instruments Pre-test – Post test of: Motivational intensity Questionnaire based on Gardner (1985) Cultural Sensitivity Inventory of Cross-Cultural Sensitivity Cushner (1986)
Results – Oral Skills Overall, small yet significant improvement -wide variety of outcomes +.31 average gain Pre-mean 2.47 Post-mean 2.77 p<.0001 Some students decreased -regression to the mean
Results – Oral Skills
Results – Cultural Sensitivity Overall, small yet significant improvement -wide variety of outcomes +5.2 average gain Pre-mean Post-mean p< students ’ Cultural Sensitivity decreased -regression to the mean
Results – Cultural Sensitivity
Results – Motivation Overall, small yet significant improvement -wide variety of outcomes +1.2 average gain Pre-mean Post-mean p= students ’ motivation decreased -regression to the mean
Gains in Motivation
Discussion Individual variation in outcomes -Pattern in study abroad research Why no improvement for some? -In Language Skills, backsliding -Cultural Sensitivity, U-shaped adjustment -Motivation, reach goals, Where next? Back
Discussion Short-term programs have impact -Students can improve lang. skills -Cultural Sensitivity does improve -Better than no experience abroad -Good option for those with limited time for SA Back
Implications for Practice Teaching: Involve students in reflective interaction with culture of target language speakers (service learning, study buddy) Study Abroad: Prepare students for cultural differences Aid in processing cultural experiences (Journaling, Discussion, Check in with faculty etc.) Provide students with formal opportunities for ongoing interactions, such as community service, internships, clubs etc. Back
L2 Leila… and other sad study abroad songs Back
Will the real me stand up? Write down 4 sentences describing yourself. I always try to understand people. I always look on the bright side. I’m soooooo stinkin’ smart I can’t stand it. Now how did people perceive you in your second language when you first went abroad.
Will the real me stand up? Leila in English Leila in Russian What is the difference between the ideal self and the “real” self?
Will the real me stand up? What four factors affect self-construction in L2 learners? Sense of status – When threatened self image is weakened. Control over interaction – Lack of validation – Safety is in jeopardy –
Extrinsic v. Intrinsic sense of self What’s the difference? Curious cases of Rebeccah, p and Reanna p. 105
How do people change their self image in the L2? Improve L2 skills Realize Mistakes are OK Strategies
Self talk Interaction Preparation --Think about vocab etc. before conversation Minimizing own knowledge Fake that you don’t know Choose comfortable environments Are these good or bad? Which ones? Why? Back
Discussion With the findings of this study in mind, If you were planning study abroad what activities or experiences would you create? Similarly, as a program director, how will you approach study abroad differently now that you have read this article? Back
Wilkinson Critical incident abroad, culture learning What does this experience teach us about LANGUAGE learning abroad? Back
Isabelli Back