Central Columbia School District Curriculum, Instruction, and Achievement Priorities
Central Columbia School District provides excellence in education to enable all students to reach their potential as successful and contributing members of a global society. Mission Statement
1. The needs of ALL children must drive the educational system. 2. Quality schools are committed to excellence providing a variety of means to achieve that goal. 3. All human beings have worth and shall be treated with respect, courtesy, and dignity. Belief Statements
4. All people are expected to assume appropriate personal responsibility and must be accountable for their performance and actions. 5. In a quality educational process, community, families, students, and staff communicate and collaborate in decision- making. 6. "Learning to Learn" by being creative, flexible, and willing to change is essential to meet the challenges of a changing global society. Belief Statements
Green Binder Full EATS Lesson Plans – All Courses (with a few exceptions) Graphic Organizers Common Unit Assessments Quadrant D Lessons (HS) Begin Board Approval Process Maps – Posted in Room/Shared with Students Common Core State Standards in ELA & Math CURRICULUM
LFS, APL, Rigor-Relevance, Everyday Math, etc. EVERY day, EVERY class, EVERY student CONSISTENT AND PERVASIVE!! Monitored daily Data used to make timely decisions about professional development needs INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES
Formative - Benchmark Assessments, “Ticket out the Door” Classroom level, Identify specific student needs “Checkpoints along the way” Allow teachers to change and adjust to student need Summative – PSSA, SAT, Unit Tests Standards-based Diagnostic – Pretests, Screening, District-Level Indicate student readiness Areas of concern ASSESSMENTS
Summer Data Meeting Department Heads, Teachers 5 X 5 Monitoring Data Meetings 2 Times/Month Used to guide needed Professional Development Building-Level Data Meetings 3 Times/Year – Coordinated with Assessment Calendar Used to guide needed Professional Development and Student Interventions DATA
NCLB and IDEA REQUIRE schools to provide timely scientific, research-based intervention. In PA, this framework is known as Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) Teacher Level Building Level District Level INTERVENTIONS
Elementary – “The Leader in Me” – investigate, discuss, and plan for Middle – Schoolwide Positive Behavior – define and implement positive reinforcement and consequence for building High School – Career Pathways – Move into junior year STUDENT SUPPORT
I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in this classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.
In all situations it is my response that decides whether or not a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, a child humanized or dehumanized. I am part of a team of educators creating a safe, caring and positive learning environment for students and teaching them in a manner that ensures success because all individuals are capable of learning. Dr. Haim Ginott (1993)
PLEASE complete the PDE School Improvement Self-Assessment before you leave for the summer (Link ed to you by Friday)