Program Overview Monday, September 14, 2015
Schuylkill ACHIEVE: 0ur vision, mission, and goals SIU proposes the Schuylkill ACHIEVE Afterschool Program in order to satisfy the need to increase students’ opportunities for meaningful learning through innovative and PA Core Standards- aligned approaches. Schuylkill ACHIEVE’s goal is to improve middle school students’ performance measures of classroom performance and school attendance by providing students with high-quality academic enrichment opportunities designed to promote attainment of state and local academic achievement standards in reading, math, and science.
270, 5 th through 8 th grade at risk students facing academic, social, behavioral, and/or familial problems 12 hours per week (Monday-Friday) 36 weeks In addition to 6 weeks of summer programming including 3 weeks of “Summer of Explorers” hosted by Schuylkill Technology Centers (3 days/week) Schuylkill ACHIEVE is a 42-week program per project year (October 1-September 30)
Grantee: Schuylkill Intermediate Unit Dr. Niederriter, Executive Director Mahanoy Area Lead Teacher(s) Instructional Staff 1:15 Minersville Area Lead Teacher(s) Instructional Staff 1:15 Pine Grove Area Lead Teacher(s) Instructional Staff 1:15 Pottsville Area Lead Teacher(s) Instructional Staff 1:15 Williams Valley Lead Teacher(s) Instructional Staff 1:15 Barbara Naradko Director of Community Based Programs Michele Day Program Coordinator Matthew Butensky Data Analyst
School District PartnersLocal Community Partners Mahanoy Area Middle School (grades 5-8) Minersville Area Elementary Center (grades 5-6) Pine Grove Area Middle School (grades 5-8) Pottsville’s D.H.H. Lengel Middle School (grades 5-8) Williams Valley Elementary School (grades 5-6) Penn State Schuylkill Campus Walk-In-Art Center Mud & Maker RSVP (Retired Seniors Volunteer Program) Schuylkill Conservation District The ReDCo Group McCann School of Business & Technology Schuylkill County Drug & Alcohol Prevention Program Schuylkill County’s VISION Schuylkill Technology Center The SHINE Afterschool Program STEM Penn State Schuylkill Art Around the The Walk In Art Center
Held at the Schuylkill Technology Center, North Summer 2015 is 3 rd installment 3 weeks/96 students Students rotated among 8 “Explorer” workshops Workshops included: “Hot Wheels”, “Wired Up”, and “Heavy Metal” Culminating field trip on final program day Results via Student Survey: 75% of students would like more information about STC offerings 82% shared their experience at STC with family members Students rated each shop on a 1-5 star scale (5 stars =the best) 55% of students gave 5 stars 18.5% gave 4 stars 14 % gave 3 stars =87.5% of students found the workshops favorable despite varying interests Students learn to install door bells during “Wired Up”
During Schuylkill ACHIEVE, as outlined by grant guidelines, over 50% of programming must be spent on academically enriching activities. Homework, recreation, and crafts do not make-up the majority of programming.
PROGRAM TRACKING, REPORTING, & EVALUATION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Monthly Activities Calendar Regular Site Observation Visits Monthly Attendance Tracking Quarterly Report (4 annually) PA Grantee Report Annual Federal Report Annual Local Evaluation Report Monthly Lead Teacher Meetings On-site Professional Development “Special Focus” Professional Development Advisory Focus Group (3 annually)
Based on parental observation: 72% of children improved their self confidence by participating 86% were satisfied or very satisfied with Schuylkill ACHIEVE programming 100% were very satisfied with Schuylkill ACHIEVE programming at Minersville 73% of parents agreed that Schuylkill ACHIEVE increased their child's awareness of future career choices 67% feel that their child’s attitude towards school and learning improved as a direct result of Schuylkill ACHIEVE Based on student observation: 90% of students feel that Schuylkill ACHIEVE inspires them to learn more about science and STEM 88% of students feel that Schuylkill ACHIEVE has made them familiar with STEM careers 100% of students feel that Schuylkill ACHIEVE made STEM something that can be fun Total Schuylkill ACHIEVE Students Registered in School Year Program: 324 Total Schuylkill ACHIEVE Regular Attendees Year 1: 179 Total Schuylkill ACHIEVE Students Attending Summer Program: 96 Total Schuylkill ACHIEVE Students Registered in SY & Summer Program: 365
Snacks(including refreshments for staff meetings, etc.) cannot be purchased with 21 st CCLC funds. Alternative funding sources and/or federal nutrition programs are to be utilized. Technology purchases have NOT been included in our C7 grant application. Schoolwide and school-related projects, programs, presentations, athletics and supplies used during the school day. If supplies are to be shared during the school day, items must be prorated. Purchasing gift cards is strictly prohibited for any reason or purpose. Entertainment, which includes tickets to shows, sport events, recreation, and student meals is unallowable.
1. Mahanoy (3 staff + 1 Lead Teacher) 2. Minersville (3 staff +1 Lead Teacher) 3. Pine Grove (2 staff +1 Lead Teacher) 4. Pottsville DHH Lengel (4 staff +1 Lead Teacher) 5. Williams Valley (4 staff + 1 Lead Teacher)