Making DATA Actionable… School Improvement and Student Success Timberlane Regional School District Christi Michaud Director of Data, Assessment, and Accountability School Board Meeting – 9/03/15
STAR Assessment Fall Benchmarking - STAR Assessment Universal Screening Tool Also… Progress Monitor Differentiate Instruction Measure Growth Provide insights about how students are currently performing (Reading and Math) and inform educators about next steps Administer 3x/year in Sept., January, and May Computer based assessment Adaptive (adjusts based on student responses) mins for each content area Valuable – assessment is aligned to our curriculum standards
Smarter Balanced Assessment Smarter Balanced Assessment - NEW state assessment Administered in grades 3-11 (Spring) Learning year for school districts How to interpret results Data use in the schools for decision making Released by the NH Dept. of Ed. in NOVEMBER for public review Individual student reports - November More information to come
Data Teams… Making Data Actionable Schools that have been successful in significantly closing the achievement gap, discuss data regularly Data Teams/Leadership Teams – District and School Levels Work of the data teams is centered around a vision statement VISION: “The Timberlane Regional School District will engage in systematic data analysis of student learning PreK-12 to determine trends, celebrate successes, identify needs, and to inform instruction to ensure that all students are college and career ready”.
Successful Schools Discuss Data Review multiple data sources (Academic, Behavioral, Attendance, Surveys) Describe and define problems and strengths Monitor curriculum, adjust pacing, review program implementation, and assessment measures Target interventions and enrichment needs for individual students Inform professional development for educators Build a culture of inquiry and continuous improvement
Making Success Visible Data Walls Document the journey of learning Celebrate success of schools and students (grade level, dept., whole school) Example: (not actual data)
Involving Students Goal: Increase the frequency of data sharing in positive ways Instilling a Growth Mindset Teach students how to use data to monitor their own performance. Encourage students to set goals with their teachers and parents, and discuss how best to reach their goals. WHY? Motivate for future learning and assessment Feel less stress over test taking Take greater control in the learning process
Data/Assessment Questions?? Questions with regard to data or assessment? School Principals Christi Michaud Director of Data, Assessment, and Accountability Timberlane Regional School District (603) x 2231