Performance Development System Web Enhancement Training
FY PDP Due Dates Non-union Employees Friday, May 26, 2006 Salary Increases Spread Sheets Due to HR Friday, June 23, 2006 Bargaining Unit Employees Friday, June 30, 2006
PDS Review: An Interactive Quiz The PDS exist to: A.Clarify job expectations/performance standards B.Increase performance and job satisfaction through feedback C.Develop competencies-enhance skills D.Create a University-wide culture change E.Support strategic alignment F.All of the above G.None of the above
PDS Review: An Interactive Quiz The PDS consist of three phases: A.Start, Continue, Finish B.Planning, Managing and Appraising C.Ready, Set, Go D.Procrastinate, Procrastinate, Procrastinate E.All of the above F.None of the above
Performance Development System Beginning Of FY Throughout FY End of FY
PDS Review: An Interactive Quiz Which one of the following web-based PDP components is new: A.PDP Details/Final Rating/Signatures/Final Comments section & Performance Rating Categories B.Part 1- Essential Functions section C.Part 11-Goals/Project section D.Part 111- Competencies sections E.Future Goals and Projects F.All of the above Extra Credit- What’s missing from this list? Self Assessments!
Self Assessments Discontinued Please instruct employees to keep a paper or electronic copy of their Self Assessments if you and they need to refer to them when completing PDP ratings.
PDS Web Enhancements Either supervisor or employee can start a PDP Supervisor and employee can both view and add progress notes/comments to the PDP throughout the year (Supervisor’s comments can not be viewed by employee until rated to allow supervisors to revise/rethink comments before they are seen by employee) Ability for Supervisors and HR to search for and review PDPs at all stages of development/review
PDS Web Enhancements Improved print function Easier way to rate all core and selected role competencies. “Rate all competencies” feature without page refreshing each time Ability to “lock” the PDP- Used by supervisor to prevent employee from adding/changing essential functions, goals and competencies in “Work in Progress’’ stage. Employee comments still can be entered onto the PDP and can be viewed by both employee and supervisor in the “locked” stage.
PDS Web Enhancements notifications/reminders Notice to Reviewer/Supervisor that PDP has not been created and to create one immediately Notice to Reviewer’s Supervisor that a PDP has been sent for review/comments, and that PDP must then be sent back to the reviewer.
PDS Web Enhancements notifications/reminders, cont. Notice from Reviewer’s Supervisor to Reviewer announcing that PDP has been reviewed and is awaiting action (make changes or send to employee as is). This notification will remind Reviewer’s to meet with employee to review the PDP before it is sent to the employee. Notice to Employee that PDP has been completed and is awaiting review. This notification will inform employees that they may add comments and then click either the “Reviewed and Signed by Employee” button or the “Employee Reviewed and Refused to Sign” button
PDS Web Enhancements notifications/reminders, cont. Notice to Reviewer from Employee stating “If you choose not to make any changes, the PDP process is completed and the Human Resources Department now has it in its data base as a finalized PDP. You should now begin the next year’s PDP. If you choose to make any changes, you must first click on the ‘Update Rated PDP’ button. This ensures that the PDP will be returned to the employee for review after you have made modifications.”
PDS Web Enhancements Progress notes/end of the year summary comments required for all essential functions and goals before they can be rated 2006/07 goals are required on current year PDP
One More Time: PDP Appraising Phase Process 1.Reviewer and employee meet and review unrated PDP 2.Reviewer rates employee on essential functions, goals/projects and competencies
Core Competencies Essential for All Temple Employees Accountability Clear Communication Client/Customer Service Orientation *Continuous Improvement Dependability Efficiency *Ethics Initiative Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving/Decision Making *Quality Assurance/Attention to Detail Respect and Valuing Diversity Teamwork and Collaboration * Moved from Role-Related to Core FY
Role-Related Competencies Analytical Thinking Change Leadership Creativity & Innovation Developing Others/Supervision Developing Self Leadership Organization/Planning Resilience & Adaptability Resource Management Technical/Professional Skills
There are 23 Competencies- Do I rate them all? Only if you really want to! Must Rate: 1.Featured University-Wide Developmental Competency (This FY year it’s Client/Customer Service Orientation) 2. Any other Core or Role-related competencies selected in Competency Development Section 3. All other Core Competencies 4. Any other Role-related competencies you choose
PERFORMANCE RATING CATEGORIES 4=Performance consistently far exceeds expectations 3=Performance meets job expectations GOOD SOLID PERFORMANCE 2=Performance meets minimal expectations and standards 1=Performance consistently fails to meet minimal expectations Final Rating will be computed to the 2 nd decimal place e.g. 3.27
Change in PDP Weightings of Final Scores 40% for Responsibilities/Essential Functions 40% for Goals/Projects 10% for Developmental Competencies 10% for all Core and Selected Role Competencies
One More Time: PDP Appraising Phase Process 3. Reviewer sends PDP to “Department Head” (reviewer’s supervisor) for review (optional-at the discretion of the “Department Head”) 4. Reviewer’s supervisor sends the PDP back to the Reviewer (with or without comments that can only be viewed by the reviewer) Employee Reviewer Reviewer’s Supervisor
PDP Appraising Phase Process 5. Reviewer meets with employee and then electronically sends PDP to e mployee for review. When employee clicks on “Reviewed by Employee” button, the process is completed and HR will now have access to the PDP. 6. Reviewer & employee begin Planning Phase for next FY- FY PDP initiated. (after July 2006)
Next Steps for Supervisors Check your Updates must be sent to the hierarchy e- mail address : Make sure your staff members have active Accessnet accounts. To activate an account- html
Next Steps for Supervisors Apprise your direct reports of their role in the web-based PDS (e.g. possible initiation of FY PDP, review of PDP, ability to document employee comments, and their active participation in performance meetings)
For General PDP Assistance Contact: Karen Marie Eric For Technical Assistance To report PDS technical/systems problems or issues, please
PDS Demonstration Redesigned Home Page Reviewer Initiates PDP Employee Initiates PDP Security re. Reviewer & Reviewer’s Supervisor’s Comments and Ratings Required FY “Future Goals and Projects” section Competencies “Rate-All” Feature Enhanced Print Function
Questions? Thank you. PDS