JCooperWiki7Workshop Session 2: Types and Topics
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper New Technologies... create new types of learners change the roles of students and teachers – partners in reciprocal learning impact social interactions which impact learning
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Wiki Research Collaborative & constructive Interactive Community & ownership balance Feedback Revision Multiple intelligences Differentiated instruction Authentic Higher order thinking skills
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Constructive Wikis “Wikis seem to be the ultimate tool for constructive learning, providing –a problem manipulation space, –cognitive tools, –learner-centeredness, and –social presence through communities of learners, interactivity, and support, all in one place.” Seitzinger, Joyce. “Be Constructive: Blogs, Podcasts, and Wikis as Constructivist Learning Tools.”
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Teachers First Connections new & old knowledge synthesis & evaluation Creativity creativity skills & flexibility creative elaboration & analytical thinking creative piece never “done.” Engagement increase engagement wiki active - respond, change, and improve final projects never end
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Interpersonal communication skills in wiki, motivates interpersonal problem- solving. teamwork skills Writing revision, revision, revision flexible wording awareness of wider, authentic audience. Metacognition discussion and metacognition articulate issues about ownership, finding, different conceptualizations of same content TeachersFirst
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Wiki Experience “As a newcomer you begin to understand the established community’s shared knowledge, and you learn where you can introduce your voice in the discussion. Your words become absorbed by the group, and ‘refactored’ as they say in wiki-speak. And, as others come to understand your ideas, it becomes their own, and new thought spring from your page, in a very literal sense: new links. The wiki, in a constructionist sense, becomes an object to think with. Issues of ownership become blurry, yet the social support and feedback system still provides a sense of accomplishment and pride.” Seitzinger, Joyce. “Be Constructive: Blogs, Podcasts, and Wikis as Constructivist Learning Tools.”
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper Wiki Process “It’s a very democratic process of knowledge creation. In using wikis, students are not only learning how to publish content; they are also learning how to develop and use all sorts of collaborative skills, negotiating with others to agree on correctness, meaning, relevance, and more. In essence, students begin to teach each other.” Richardson, Will. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Web Tools for Classrooms.
Wiki7WorkshopJCooper End Session 2