1 Gabriella Cataldi (INFN Lecce) Michela Biglietti (Universita’ di Napoli-Federico II) and the HLT.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Gabriella Cataldi (INFN Lecce) Michela Biglietti (Universita’ di Napoli-Federico II) and the HLT

2 Outline

3 MooMakePhiSegments RPC/TGC digits PhiSegments MooMakeRZSegments MDT digits MooMakeRoads CrudeRZSegments MooMakeiPatTracks MooRoads MooiPatTracks MooMakeNtuples Ntuples MooAlgs MooStatistics Each step is driven by an Athena top- algorithm Transient objects are passed via TDS/StoreGate Independent algorithms, the only coupling is through the transient objects Standard Moore flow

4 Reconstruction Strategy Searches for  regions of activity From the RPC/TGC  measurements “  - Segments” are created Searches for R-Z regions of activity For each “  -Segment”, the associated MDTs is found and a “crude” RZ Segments is built (essentially collections of z hits).

5 Reconstruction Strategy  Pattern recognition and outer Roads –Inside MDTs the drift distance is calculated from the drift time, by applying various corrections on it (TOF, second coordinate, propagation along the wire, Lorenz effect). From the 4 tangential lines the best one is found. –All the “MDT segments” of the O station are combined with those of the M layer. The MDT hits of each combination are added to the phi- hits of the “Phi Segment”, forming “outer” track candidates. All the successfully fitted candidates are kept for further processing.  Final tracks  associate inner station MDT hits. A “final” track is defined  The successful “outer” track is subsequently used to  as a successfully fitted collection of trigger hits and of MDT hits from at least two layers. MDT mutilayer

6 Moore is a container MooAlgs MooEvent MooAlgs_n Events for reconstruction Athena algorithms with different features/goals MooLVL2Algs Moore structure run-time plug in differents algos in order to build the reconstruction chain. MooStatistics MooAlgs contain the standard sequence of Algorithms: MooMakePhiSegments MooMakeRZSegments MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks MooLVL2Algs contain a possible seeding approach MooMakePhiSegmentLVL2 MooMakeRZSegmentLVL2

7 RPC digits PhiSegment MDT digits RZSegmentMap MooMakePhiSegmentLVL2 MooMakeRZSegmentLVL2 trigout10GeV.txt trigout20GeV.txt ….. run athena with the appropriate jobOptions.txt MooLVL2Algs strategy Set-up the logic link: TestRelease/… /run/Persint.out  … /… /trigoutxxx.txt How to run Moore and MooLVL2Algs Documentation in: run atrig ASCI files only on barrel

8 MooLVL2Algs outputs are: PhiSegments RZSegments In order to perform a fit the standard Algorithms MooAlgs must be plugged in the sequence MooMakePhiSegmentLVL2 MooMakeRZSegmentLVL2 MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks

9 First need: If we want to have the seeded Moore in the HLT environment we need: MooAlgs MooLVL2Algs in HLT MooAlgs in HLT First step:

10 As it is now MooLVL2Algs are seeded with the list of HitsOnTrack from LVL2. MooLVL2Algs work with Old EDM layout M geometry. In the future (personal opinion) MooLVL2Algs for HLT should use the track information, opening a Region of Interest around the track, and performing the PhiSegment, RZSegment search, as for standard Moore, only in a limited region. The new ID scheme and the new EDM help in these functionalities. MooLVL2Algs functionality with list of HitsOnTrack will be useful for comparison of results How to seed MooLVL2Algs. RPC hitsMDT hits

11 Hits comparison 10GeV  - N associated (MDT hits) counts MooAlgs MooLVL2Algs 10GeV  - N associated (RPC hits) counts MooLVL2Algs MooAlgs  Same dataset used for MooAlgs MooLVL2Algs  The 2 different sets of algos are chained together  Fit results from the same sample of events are directly compared Plans for testing a more general hit addition procedure

12 22 22 MooLVL2Algs MooAlgs 10GeV  - counts   MooLVL2Algs 1TeV  - counts

13 1/p T pull 10GeV  - 1/p T pull counts MooAlgs 1/p T pull 10GeV  - counts MooLVL2Algs

14 p T resolution MooLVL2Algs 10GeV  - counts 10GeV  - counts p T resolution MooAlgs

15 Plans for testing a more general hit addition procedure Hit Addition in Moore starts from RZSegments. The RZSegments in MooLVL2Algs are built from the output of LVL2 Trigger …not from the collection of digits. …….thinking over

16 Moore (for HLT) Vs ATLAS releases Moore is working in version with: OLD EDM, new ID scheme, new Geometry (able to read TDR and DC1 data) Moore working version with new EDM has been committed, but not yet in release. (Ready for tag in 6.0.0) With the new EDM release Moore has been fully restructured

17 Commit in Bug fix (see Stefania’s talk) Adoption of DataVector instead of handle at EndOfEvent No more ``skip’’ ``pick’’ parameters in jobOptions.txt. Use EventSelector.EventNumbers instead jobOptions == Moore_jobOptions.txt

18 New EDM Moore fully restructured. Giorgos is writing and redesigning a large part of the code A crazy(?) idea in order: MooAlgs MooEvent MooNefeliAlgs MooLVL2Algs MooStatistics MooNefeliEvent to keep the functionality of the code as it is now to have the possibility to compare the results and the performances (chain)