W = P * MPL GOVERNMENTPControl; (Data dari BPS, Pemda, Intitusi Terkait)Facilitating; Infrastructures. BusinessWOrganization; (BLOK : IV)Management; System; HRD; Capital; Technology. Labor/Human ResourcesMPLKnowledge & Skills; (BLOK : V)Motivation; Ideas, Creativities & Innovations; Loyality; Discipline; Characters & Integrity; Teamwork. Group 1 – 7 : Blok “IV” Business (HRD dan Capital). Group 8 – n : Blok “V” Individual (Motivation dan Discipline).
DESIGN THINKING/CREATIVE THINKING Design thinkingDesign thinking (or creative thinking) is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is the essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking,analytical thinking design thinking is a creative process based around the “building up” of ideas. Design thinking is a well thought approach towards solving a problem and hence doesn’t involve early judgments thus eliminating the fear of failure and encouraging maximum input and participation in the ideation and prototype phases. Outside the box thinking is encouraged in these earlier processes since this can often lead to creative solutions. Thinking outside the boxThinking outside the box’ is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective.
MIND MAPPING 1.Mind mapping is a proven technique to strengthening your memory, balancing your brain and quickening your spirit of invention. 2.Mind mapping is a simple, yet powerful way to cultivate synergy between art and science in your everyday thinking, planning and problem solving. 3.Natural mapping leads to immediate understanding.
WHAT IS CREATIVITY? An Ability. A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new. An Attitude. Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it. A Process. Creative people work hard and continually to improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their works.
CREATIVE METHODS Evolution. This is the method of incremental improvement. New ideas stem from other ideas, new solutions from previous ones, the new ones slightly improved over the old ones. Synthesis. With this method, two or more existing ideas are combined into a third, new idea. Combining the ideas of a magazine and an audio tape gives the idea of a magazine you can listen to, one useful for blind people or freeway commuters.
CREATIVE METHODS Revolution. Sometimes the best new idea is a completely different one, an marked change from the previous ones. Reapplication. Look at something old in a new way. Go beyond labels. Unfixate, remove prejudices, expectations and assumptions and discover how something can be reapplied. Changing Direction. Many creative breakthroughs occur when attention is shifted from one angle of a problem to another. This is sometimes called creative insight.
CREATIVITY & INNOVATION Creativity is typically used to refer to the act of producing new ideas, approaches or actions. Innovation is the process of both generating and applying such creative ideas in some specific context. In the context of an organization, therefore, the term innovation is often used to refer to the entire process by which an organization generates creative new ideas and converts them into novel, useful and viable. commercial products, services, and business practices. The term creativity is reserved to apply specifically to the generation of novel ideas by individuals or groups, as a necessary step within the innovation process.
ROTHWELL’S FIVE GENERATIONS OF INNOVATION MODELS GenerationKey features First and second modelThe linear models – need pull and technology push ThirdInteraction between different elements and feedback loops between them – the coupling model FourthThe parallel lines model, integration within the firm, upstream with key suppliers and downstream with demanding and active customers, emphasis on linkages and alliances FifthSystems integration and extensive networking, flexible and customized response, continuous innovation
TRANSITIONING CREATIVITY TO INNOVATION 1.generating the idea 2.informing “significant others” 3.“selling” the idea effectively 4.planning the development process, and 5.overcoming constraints (time, money, relevance)
10 WAYS TO FOSTER INNOVATION 1.Practice 2.Never stop being curious 3.Record your ideas 4.Solve puzzles 5.Take risks 6.Experiment with your mind and skills 7.Embrace the elements and principles of ideas 8.Mind mapping leads to better ideas 9.Be who you are and find your self 10.Be ready to evolve
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CREATIVE PERSON 1.curious 2.seeks problems 3.enjoys challenge 4.optimistic to suspend judgment 6.comfortable with imagination 7.sees problems as opportunities 8.sees problems as interesting 9.problems are emotionally acceptable 10.challenges assumptions 11.doesn't give up easily: perseveres, works hard
LEADERSHIP: CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION a.Creativity CAN Be Stimulated by Leaders b.Why Leaders Hesitate to Foster Creativity? c.Why Leaders Should Stimulate Creativity?
CASE # 1: The Situation: Your unit belongs to the organization that is responsible in improving the performance of services for the people within the city of Pontianak (Choose: Hotel, Transportation, Immigration, School, Police Office, Market and Shopping Place, Restaurant, Arts and performances, Hospital, Pemda, Financial Institution). You have to define of: 1.What to produce or to prepare to invite more people to visit to/stay in your city; 2.Who will be your target customers; 3.How are you going to organize the people in your unit to achieve the objective; 4.What kind of surprise that you would like to provide; 5.How could you be sure that your customers understood the changed; Subject: Creativity Assignment File Name: Your nama – NIM DUE: May 5, 2012 at 24.00