Raising Kids In Our Digital Media World
Socializing Texting Creating Gaming Visiting virtual worlds Streaming
content Content Pushes boundaries
Mobile Anywhere and anytime access
Interactive Kids connect and collaborate
Scale Everything takes place before a vast, invisible audience
Anonymity Actions separate from consequences
Replicable Everything can be cut and pasted
Once something is it out there, it doesn’t ever go away Persistent
So that means our kids are leaving digital footprints
Access to information Connect, collaborate and network Community support
Creative expression Educational value
Always on Exposure to inappropriate content, people and influences Negative health effects
Damage to reputation Cyberbullying Information overload
What you need to know to raise media-smart kids
Embrace their world Encourage balanced use Try to keep media in public spaces Discuss what sites they can visit No cyberbullying Basic Rules of the Road
Explain that nothing is really private Set up privacy settings Keep passwords private Help them self-reflect before they self-reveal Protecting Personal Privacy
Teach kids to ask the who, what, and when questions Is a person who they say they are? Balance research sources Point out all the ways marketers target them What Kids Can Trust and Believe
Non-profit Easy-to-use reviews of media titles Parenting advice Weekly newsletter News and research Common Sense Media
Improve the media landscape…. one decision, one family, one community at a time. Join the movement