Introduction The Austin metro area is one of the fastest growing in the country – State Highway 130; easing the pressure – Study of Sections 5-6 How GTG is going to help – The environment, the people, and the money. Solutions for everyone
Purpose GTG will identify a route for sections 5 and 6 of SH130 based on: Economic The shortest feasible route Environmental That would bypass the most environmentally sensitive areas Social That would disturb the fewest culturally sensitive areas
Methodology Create base map Digitize segments 1-4 Determine preexisting concerns Manifold Excel and/or Access UTM Zone 14 (NAD 83)
Methodology Create routes Assign values to route segments Create compromised route
Implications Detailed maps Community/government compromise
Data Sources Data and Sources Base GIS Files- Texas Natural Resource Information System (TNRIS) Base GIS Files- Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) Background Information and Overview- Lone Star Infrastructure Landsat 7 Imagery- Texas Synergy
Data Sources Traffic Records- City of Austin Personal Inquiry and Interviews for Data on Traffic Fuel Consumption Statistics- United States Census Bureau and Texas Transportation Institute Travel Time Information- E Podunk Urban Planning Information and Data- Envision Central Texas Statistical Information – Time Magazine online archive December 6, Types of Community Impacts - Joseph C. Gorney
TimeLine Week/Date6-Feb13-Feb20-Feb27-Feb6-March20-March27-March3-April10-April17-April24-April1-May Website Development Data Collection Data Analysis Data Processing Data Interpretation Final Deliverables
Final report Poster Web Site CD
Conclusion: Final Planning of SH-130 Segments 1-4 are scheduled to open in 2007 – preliminary studies have started for segments 5-6. Placement and funding for 5-6 are controversial – citizens need to voice their concerns in intelligent dialogue with government. This study will produce viable options for the placement of the highway.
Green Team Geosciences