My philosophy is perseverance cannot be divorced from progress to success. My goal is to use these tools that I have learnt and insight I have gained to make my career in education exceptional Done by: Shana- Gay Green Class: 2BPA ID#: Lecturer’s Name: Mr. Onywere Date: May 12, 2014 Done by: Shana- Gay Green Class: 2BPA ID#: Lecturer’s Name: Mr. Onywere Date: May 12, 2014 All things are Possible
Introduction My Philosophy on Teaching My Personal Philosophy Principle of Technology Integration Designing Effective Instructional Materials Software Selection And Evaluation Instructional Planning Issues in the use of Educational Technology Assessment and Technology Trends In Educational Technology
The Presentation is to highlight the tools that we have learnt and how to use these tools in the most effective way. This presentation will also display all the work that I did through out this course, showing the skills I have attained and will use in my professional career.
Before coming to Bethlehem, I did not know that cell phones could be useful tool inside a classroom. However, my philosophy on Technology in Education has evolved into a practical measurable goal after completing several hours in this course.
Technology has become an integral part of our daily life. Therefore, I strongly believe that technology is the best way to go; hence technological advancement has helped to introduce many positive changes in the educational sector. My mantra is to become an artful communicator who is able to maximize the different ICT tools in teaching and also learning. I endeavor to always use these technologies for positive, gainful experiences for both my students and I and by extension all other persons that will interact with me. To see the full text Click here.
A teacher’s own knowledge, strategy, repertoire, enthusiasm, humor, creativity and passion are forces so powerful they can change a child’s universe, as well as the future we all share. Nevertheless, this course has taught me the different uses of ICT in teaching and learning, the effectiveness and techniques that information communication and technology can afford us to use in teaching. To view the full text click on the link: Foundation of Technology in Education Foundation of Technology in Education
During this unit I have learned the effectiveness of a framework as it relates to the integration of educational technology. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction technology has changed education and how educators can leverage new educational tools to personalize learning, encourage collaboration. Click here to view full text.
In this unit, I have learnt what is visual literacy also I was able to know its types and therefore was able to share what I have learnt with someone else. Base on my knowledge which I have gained I was able to design an audio-visual media for class presentation. This unit really give me a better understanding of how to create podcast which now I am doing for my assignment. Click here to view full text. Click here to listen to Podcast Click here to View Web Quest
It is imperative to know how to critically appraise software for technology-enriched learning environments that foster learning. I was able to use available commercial software instruction products which I had really enjoyed in this unit. I have learned to use authoring tools to develop educational courseware for a unit of instruction. I have grasped much and I will endeavour to use what I have learnt and continue to build on it to learn new things. Click here to view full text.
As I reflected on what I had learnt during this unit then it bring back to my attention the important to the relationship between instructional design, learning theories and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Apply instructional design models (such as ASSURE or ADDIE in the design of audio-visual learning materials that support students’ intellectual, social and personal development. This unit help to identify the elements of the curriculum for which technology applications are appropriate and ways it will be implement effectively. Click here to view a lesson plan following the instructional planning guidelines. Click here to see full text.
In this unit I was able to critically discuss issues as it regards equitable access and the use of the technology in education. The legislative mandates are essential to the development for the learner, as it fosters technology literacy. Hence base on my critical knowledge which I have gain during this course, I was able understand and offer insight on the government regulations and their implication for technology in education. Click here to view full text.
This unit was very interesting. I was able to use technology to collect analyze, and summarize information, thus reporting on students performance data. This aids in the instructional decision –making by the teacher, this will also help to see if students have reach the level of mastery before moving on to the next unit. I have learnt the importance of the technology for diagnosis because it monitors the outcome of technology-based interventions. I now know that evaluation is very important as it fosters alternative solutions prior to making instructional technology for the learner. Click here view full text
The Use of current and emerging digital tools (such as educational websites, blogs, WebQuest, or wiki and communities of practice) to locate, analyse, and evaluate education technology resources is employed to support learning using real-world issues and problem solving activities; incorporating the use of contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning and the development of skills and attitudes. I, nevertheless, realized that the greatest impact on teachers and students is to know the trends in technology as it relates to the media. This unit has helped me to reflect on back in the days and look at now in the future in the school environment and to ascertain if there were any changes. Click here to view full text
Technology in Education has provided a wealth of information that will better enable me to integrate evaluate and cultivate better use of technology in the classroom and by out young generation.