Making Sense of Literacy Instruction and SRBI for ELLs Ann Anderberg, Ph.D., ECSU CTHSS Literacy Summit Fall 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Sense of Literacy Instruction and SRBI for ELLs Ann Anderberg, Ph.D., ECSU CTHSS Literacy Summit Fall 2011

Overview ESL Teachers – P.D. on Assessment – EDGE Ongoing system initiatives Renaissance Content Literacy Strategies for ELs LABS Unpacking the Language Objective SRBI

The Goal Meeting the challenge of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) – All Day Literacy Instruction focused on discussions of text A challenge for your system – Academic side – Trade side


You have everything you need Universal screens Tier I Interventions Tier II Interventions Staff

Let’s Talk About SRBI Scientific-research based interventions The 3-Tier Model – Academic and behavior – Universal Screening (3 data points) – Data-based decision making – Progress Monitoring – Research-based strategies

Tier 1: Comprehensive & Coordinated Instruction for All Students Tier 2: Supplemental Intervention for Students Performing Below Grade Level Tier 3: Specialized, Individualized Intervention for Students with Intensive Needs ~80% of Students ~15% ~ 5% Scientific Research Based Interventions

SRBI Models Standard Treatment Protocol Problem-Solving Model Hybrid Approach

TIER I Classroom and trade instruction – Universal screening STAR – multiple measures – Lexile – match text to reader LAS Links – language proficiency – subtests CAPT written response – Ifnormational text – Content and Language Objectives SIOP – access to the curriculum – Small group instruction – Rich vocabulary instruction – Progress Monitoring

TIER II Additional interventions based on data – LABS, literacy & math – ELD class EDGE ESL teachers


Rich Vocabulary Instruction Students who know more words learn more words. The Matthew Effect Deep word knowledge is a better predictor of academic achievement than broad word knowledge. Synonym and context strategies are weaker than comparative, direct word study 1. Student friendly definition: simple & clear 2. Students practice using the word

Levels of Word Knowledge (Beck, McKeown & Kucan, 2002) Know it well, can explain it Know something about it, can relate it to a situation Have seen or heard the word Do not know the word

Four Types of VocabularyReceptive Expressive  Speaking  Writing  Reading  Listening

Levels of Word Knowledge Know it well, can explain it, use it Know something about it, can relate it to a situation Have seen or heard the word Do not know the word

5 Stages of word knowledge (Beck, McKeown, & Kucan, 2002) WordKnow it well, can explain and use it Know something about it, relate it to something familiar Have seen or heard the word Do not know the word

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