By: Lorena Estrada, Sonovia Clark, Rocio Zavala In war, there are no unwounded soldiers…
How Does War Violate Human Rights? War leads to human rights being violated because when two groups of people start to fight, its not just the people fighting who get hurt, but also the people they fight around. Sometimes it can lead to death. War leads to human rights being violated because when two groups of people start to fight, its not just the people fighting who get hurt, but also the people they fight around. Sometimes it can lead to death.
Because Of The War… The school was destroyed and it caused the kids to leave it. Families lost contact with each other, and were worried because they did not know if family members were alive. People starved and there was control over the resources. People were forced to leave their homes even if they didn’t want to, because the war was getting closer to home. Sometimes even when they were in a safe place they were forced out because the war was spreading all over the country. There was a fight between Honorable Chief and Mercile Crocodile where people weren’t able to go out to relieve themselves without being scared of getting shot.
War In Afghanistan Terrorism acts in New York can lead to war in Afghanistan. Terrorism acts in New York can lead to war in Afghanistan. This war has been going on for about nine years. This war has been going on for about nine years. During the terrorist attack in New York City in 2001 more than 3,000 people lost their lives. During the terrorist attack in New York City in 2001 more than 3,000 people lost their lives. June 7, 2010, marked the 104th month of US military engagement in Afghanistan, making it the longest war in the history of the United States. June 7, 2010, marked the 104th month of US military engagement in Afghanistan, making it the longest war in the history of the United States. The grass is getting trampled in this current event because people lost so may lives even though they had nothing to do with this war.
War In Baghdad, Iraq Since the beginning of this war the estimated number of deaths is 100,000. Since the beginning of this war the estimated number of deaths is 100,000. The entire US intelligence community issued a secret National Intelligence Estimate In April. Nothing about this war is making the people in the U.S any safer. The entire US intelligence community issued a secret National Intelligence Estimate In April. Nothing about this war is making the people in the U.S any safer. Overall, the number of what the U.S. government considers "significant" attacks grew to about 655 last year, up from the record of around 175 in Overall, the number of what the U.S. government considers "significant" attacks grew to about 655 last year, up from the record of around 175 in 2003.
War In Somalia War in Somalia can lead to children getting severely injured or even dead. War in Somalia can lead to children getting severely injured or even dead. In December 2008, Ethiopian soldiers withdrew from Somalia, leaving behind an African Union contingent of several thousand troops to help the fragile coalition government and its troops enforce their authority In December 2008, Ethiopian soldiers withdrew from Somalia, leaving behind an African Union contingent of several thousand troops to help the fragile coalition government and its troops enforce their authorityAfrican UnionAfrican Union On May , the rebels attacked the capital city of Mogadishu, capturing most of the city but failing to overthrow the government, which maintained control over a few square kilometers of the city. On May , the rebels attacked the capital city of Mogadishu, capturing most of the city but failing to overthrow the government, which maintained control over a few square kilometers of the city.Mogadishu The war lasted from ! The war lasted from !
What Can We Do To Help? The most obvious reason is to stop fighting! The war may have different effects on people, there are some organizations that help with both physical and mental problems that have been caused by war. Some of the organizations that help are: UNICEF, World Relief and the Salvation Army. These are just some of the organizations that can help victims war. Here are web sites where you can find more information about these specific organizations: The most obvious reason is to stop fighting! The war may have different effects on people, there are some organizations that help with both physical and mental problems that have been caused by war. Some of the organizations that help are: UNICEF, World Relief and the Salvation Army. These are just some of the organizations that can help victims war. Here are web sites where you can find more information about these specific organizations: