Moving Toward Nation Hood Section 3
A Clash of Views Two groups from two different perspectives Representation? Trade? Allies?
No TAX w/out US Taking people’s property without consent Governors had greater power/thrown in jail Cloud of tyranny grew larger
Steps to Independence Committees of Correspondence=Common Goal st Continental Congress-Cut off trade nd Continental Congress-P Henry War already began 1776-Thomas Paine - Common Sense
Declaration of Independence T Jefferson,B Franklin,J Adams UNALIENABLE Packet
Need a New Goverment Free and independent State Constitutions-written agreements(limits gov power) Term limits, three branches, legislature most power
AOC Feared a central power Number of representatives( Large states v. Small) Loose alignment, one vote,only legislature(Congress), no exec or judicial Power to declare war,make treaties,regulate state trade NO POWER TO TAX or ENFORCE LAWS
Limping Government Economy in the dirt/high debt from war/inflation New Congress no power to regulate trade with England Not allowed to trade with West Indies Debt, unemployment and no strong trade ties
Shays’ Rebellion Farmers(former Revolutionary soldiers) were losing their land 1786, Shays and rebels threatened to shut down courts Mass. had to shut it dwn on own no FEDERAL help
George Washington “The Confederation appears to me to be little more than a shadow without substance.” A stronger CENTRAL government was needed!!!!