I.A Call for Independence A. Colonists Divided 1. Many colonists were “on the fence” 2. The prospect of independece scared some
B. Common Sense 1. Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine 2. Supported independence. 3. His logic and persuasive writing influenced people.
C. Virginia’s Resolution 1. Virginia supported a resolution that said the colonies ought to be free and independent. 2. Thomas Jefferson was assigned to come up with the reasons for separating from England.
II. The Declaration of Independence A. Preamble 1. States why the D of I was written
B. Natural Rights 1. Life 2. Liberty 3. Pursuit of Happiness
y C. List of Grievances 1. Trying to prove that King George III violated their rights a. b.
D. Dissolving the Bonds 1. Says they’re breaking up.
III. Impact of the Declaration 1. Approved July 4, 1776????? 2. “Hang together or hang separately”- Ben Franklin 3.
I. Fighting Moves South A. British Advance
1. British capture the cities of Savannah, GA and Charles Town, SC.
2. Francis Marion, aka the Swamp Fox, used guerilla warfare to harass the British
B. Brighter Days 1. King’s Mountain and Cowpens were two key victories for the Patriots
2. Things started to look up for the Pats after these two wins.
C. American Traitor 1. Benedict Arnold
D. Final Battle 1. British General Charles Cornwallis moved his troops to Yorktown, VA.
2. Yorktown, VA was on a peninsula
3. The French Navy moved in on the peninsula
4. Washington moved in troops to squeeze the British.
II. Making Peace with Britain A. Treaty of Paris 1. Recognized independence of the U.S.
2. The boundaries were set for America. Atlantic Ocean to the east, Canada to the north, Mississippi River to the west, and Florida to the south.
3. Treaty was approved in Eight years of war.
Why did America Win? 1. Patriotic Spirit 2. Geography ( new the land) 3. Good leaders (GW) 4. Foreign Aid